You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

It’s quite a bit of tonal whiplash for someone to go on about how amazing and tight-knit community is in Classic, then immediately turn around and condemn “retail tourists”

Same thing happened to me in Old Kingdom. I zoned in, and the group was already on the first boss (I was healing).

We engage the boss, and I get web wrapped… I call out, saying “wrapped” dps does nothing… I’m about to die in it so I bubble and continue to heal… then a DPS gets wrapped nobody attacks it so I kill it as Holy while trying to heal at the same time…

I get web wrapped again, the tank dies a then 2 other dps get wrapped while I’m still wrapped at the tank is dead and we obviously all wipe.

Then I say in chat while running back (and this is my exact log, I can provide screen shots):

Utheros (during fight): Webs
Utheros: gotta kill them

Utheros: it’s not difficult, you see a web wrap, kill it priority
Utheros: Can’t let a healer sit in a web wrap and do nothing about it
Utheros: Cool?

jobadiya: define cool
letia: how many times are you gonna say the same thing and think we don’t understand
letia: i was actually in web wrap til ded that time too lol
letia: is how things went south

Utheros: I was in 1 then 2 then two web wraps and if you guys killed them we wouldn’t be talking about it, so yeah I’m saying it over and over till I get a response! LOL

(You’ve been removed from the group) 30 minute debuff…

report them for greifing, got 3 people temp banned for abusing RDF.

Instead of making a premade they went into RDF and started kicking people that didn’t have 5500 gs enough people reported them and they got 7 day bans

Yeah that never happened, rofl

report away, it wont do anything

someone got booted today for having pvp gear. I was the healer and voted no. Then they all mysteriously died on the 1st pull.

you’re clueless, they get banned, i have the mail and them crying on lvl 1 alts, grifers get banned when mass reported…same with behavior with their new social contract crap…after x amount of reports action is taken, then its reviews by real gm.

Did anyone actually say this on this forum post?

Quoting for posterity. Gonna repost it when you get back from your forum vacay.

Yesterday i left a dungeon because the tank was a fresh 70 boostie and i told him after 4 pulls i needed mana and he still wasnt waiting, i was completely oom. I dont feel like i deserved the debuff in those circumstances but i got it…

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I was kicked last night I tried and got into pit of sauron and I was playing WOW as a distraction as my dog was dying so he had to be put down and I forgot to use viper to regen my mana on my hunter and got kicked. Kickers do not like to be explained to and just love insta kicks.

People would hold groups hostage to kick them if they got certain dungeons so they wouldnt get the debuff for leaving.

But there is a simple solution, dont do gammas. I knew that there would be issues with gamma dungeons. I havent had a single issue doing regular heroics and I dont even need anything from them. Just going after emblems and not having anyone pull any of these shinanigans.

Just more proof that these Mythic dungeons have no place in Wrath and only lead to toxicity and gatekeeping.

By the way, as I try to keep telling people…back in original Wrath if you were vote kicked you did NOT get the dungeon deserter debuff. People weren’t holding groups hostage back then. People weren’t kicking people because of someone’s gearscore or spec. These were Wrath Heroics, after all. 5 chimps could easily do them.

What’s going on is a result of Blizz putting content in Wrath that doesn’t belong. It’s not a failing of RDF.


yes they were.

99% of the ppl kicked deserve the debuff too. even, if you show up in pvp gear without gems and enchants, you knew you were cheating the system. You should not be shocked if you r booted…

also gamma is really easy. most ppl will just carry and not care until they start wiping.

this isn’t a real problem.

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People did with OCC and HoR. It wasnt rampant, but they did it.

People werent kicked for GS though, and it was usually just because you were a jerk to people, or just trolling.

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A vote kick couldn’t even be initiated for a certain amount of time. 15 minutes. I vaguely remember a Blue post where they said that cooldown was being removed for certain people because so few were being kicked.

I’m telling you this notion that RDF was some toxic, kick-friendly system in original Wrath is a complete lie.

I’m sure even the forum posts right now aren’t accurate to what’s going on. There’s probably not a ton of vote kicks happening. But much, much more than original Wrath. For a very simple reason: Mythic dungeons. They’re the problem. If it was just Heroics this wouldn’t be going on.

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Its not. And even the people getting kicked as they tell it, could be a deserved kick outside of anything that has to do with GS.

It’s toxic but what can you do? I had a group today in pit of saron where someone accidentally fell so someone made fun of that player and initiated a kick. It failed because sometimes people are awful but it just goes to show what people are like.

I mean I voted to kick a 4.7k blood dk tank bc he had no idea about the HoR pull(& didn’t listen to the group) then had a 3.2k warrior que and fail for the same reason + gear. Its shotty but I’ve had more good than bad come of it for sure. Loads of 5.2k+ GS ppl that know the dungeons/hard mode.

Gamma dungeons aren’t charity runs. Stop griefing and get proper GS to run them.

If you can queue for Gamma, then you have the proper GS.