You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

Everything wrong with the Classic playerbase right there.


They arent end game content either, and people do have the proper ilvl to run them if they are in there.

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Was that you in that mankirk gruop becuase they kicked me too b4 on 1st boss i didnt even get to do trash priest said my gs too low and i know this Dungeon i know what im doing.

My mantra is. Hover the player if his GS is below 5.3k I’ll just wait till there’s a big pull of adds to send the kick message, everyone always hit yes without reading because they’re busy fighting and all they want is get rid of the pop up, the griefer gets kicked 99% of the time. We all know those dungeons are designed to farm strong pieces of gear from last two phases and saronites, essentially it’s griefing if someone wants to steal for example a comets trail from an UH Dk 5.5kgs that never got it. And certainly we don’t want Billy the casual with his 4kgs to steal all the hard work of that Gigachad DK. So write that down Gammas aren’t charity runs for lazy causals

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You could be a little less obvious with your trolling.

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How’s that trolling? I’m serious follow the rules and the laws of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King classic.

I’m talking about your posts. You’re clearly making up this nonsense.

But I’m done feeding you.

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Would it really make it better if it was after the first boss?

This is in fact happening. If I queue on any character with less than 5k GS I’ve been kicked no less than 5 times this week. Two before we even began the content. Not as it matters I will just re queue. I do not wear my emotions on my sleeve nor do I care who I offend with my low Gscore. I do smile at the people who actually get offended if they are kicked. Now there should not be a deserter buff for it. People are morons the buffs from the warder NPC are so overwhelming OP anyone can do gamma modes in 4k GS except maybe TOC and Oculus.

This is wotlk man it’s literally so toxic that if you don’t parse 99 you’re trash.

At least I made a few friends along the way :3

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While you’re incredibly toxic, I’ll join the gate keeping train.

Is what it is /shrug.

Inv me so I can farm :frowning:

Blizzard should fix to how it run in the og version or cut down on the debuff, 10 to 15 minutes. 30 is harsh, for someone that done nothing wrong.

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This would solve most problem yeah, If I ever get kick for no reason I wouldn’t care since I can just queue again, but if being kick means its gonna waste 30 minutes of my playtime since some elitist decided to kick me, I’m gonna be pissed.

Luckly I did not ran into this issue at all not even once.

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seems fair to me - don’t queue for dungeons you aren’t geared for or if you don’t know how to play your character

Blizzard put in the ilvl requirement to queue for those dungeons, blame blizzard for putting that low ilvl requirement not players queuing for dungeon when they see they can queue for it.

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