You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

If you can queue for Gamma then you’re geared enough for it. Kicking people for “rat gear” is toxic behavior.

5 bucks you queued with pvp gear or new 80 gear.

You literally can’t queue for Gamma as a fresh 80. There is also nothing wrong with using PVP gear. We’re taking about dungeons, not heroic ICC. If Blizzard didn’t want people using PVP gear, then that gear wouldn’t count towards your overall ilvl.

Oh, and you’re out 5 bucks. Been doing Gammas on my 5.3k GS DK which has a mix of ToC and Ulduar gear.

Just got out of a UP gamma with a pally tank that only had 28,000 hp, after buffs!

At the start of the dungeon, one dps made an immediate note of it and left the group. I was considering it myself but I decided to stay and give this tank a chance.

There were a few deaths, but we got the dungeon done. Tank surprised the hell out of me.

So yes, gamma can be done with the bare minimum I-level, if you have team players.


That’s how the RDF has been for a long time if not always

It happens all the time. Ive been abusing this feature since the original release.

Good job on your anecdotal stats though - really putting that Phoenix Online degree to work.

I suppose you also rob banks when you are short of money?

That’s a stupid response.

Sociopathic tenancies alive and well.

You completely ignore the fact that retail and Wrath are alien to each other.

You want me to go play a game that has changed dramatically over the years, just so I can access a certain feature from it.

Now, if I were to tell you to go back to classic, where these systems don’t exist, what would be your response to that?

No one can hold you hostage when an exit strategy of “leave group” exists. Just temp friend the people not being abusive, whisper to organize again for a new run and all four just drop group leaving the “hostage taker” alone in an instance.

Pot meet kettle

Thank you. I forget how to spell sometimes. It’s still sociopathic behavior. I only play hardcore though. I don’t participate in pay-to-win versions of the game.

Kettle meet nope. I might say mean things from time to time like, “that’s a stupid response,” generally in response to people being mean for no reason, but that’s not a sociopathic tendency. You should get a copy of the DSM-5.

The “one person can hold a group hostage” sentiment is in fact a stupid response in the case of this forum post.

So desperate for attention that you replied to me twice? Get help

if only there was spellcheck where all you have to do is right click. How fat are you

161 lbs. and 5’9" :frowning: I’ve been slacking.

Something like that.

Nah the classic community is just horrible and they don’t want to admit it