You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

If your DPS or gearscore isn’t high enough to their standard, 4 man premades will just instant kick you from Random Dungeon Finder in Gamma dungeons.

If you are kicked before the first boss, you get a 30 minute debuff to queue again for literally just playing the game.

This is already being abused.

In retail, for many expansions you could not kick anyone before the first boss kill to avoid this.

No idea how this passed Blizzard QA?

There were over 9 months of development for this group finder, is there a blue post on why this feature for premade groups was included?


Actually you can be kicked by 3 people

Sucks that it happened to you, but the alternative is singular people holding groups they don’t like hostage and not being punished for it


Well wouldn’t it make sense then that you don’t get the debuff if voted out before the first boss then?

No? Because

Groups deciding they don’t like you requires at least 3 people to agree. A single person holding a group hostage requires only 1


I don’t really understand the hostage situation and would imagine it is way less common than 3 or 4 man premades kicking anyone not sweaty enough for them (in random dungeon finder lol).

If they were holding a group hostage either way, they could continue to get voted out repeatedly and individually they would never progress.

But players who attempt to progress get locked out for 30 minutes instead. A hostage taker only holding a group hostage for a maximum of 5 minutes before getting voted out would be 5 minutes lost x the other 4 players = 20 minutes. It’s less time and a minor time loss among many players, rather than a large major timeout for a single player.

Your position is refuting that, but I’m not understanding your logic

EDIT: I’d also like to add that I would speculate premades kicking the individual is vastly more frequent than someone hostage taking a group. There is a clear incentive for premades to kick out anyone that slows their progress, where there is no clear incentive for someone to hostage take a group


Oh no!

This seems like a super specific and rare problem that will impact literally tens of people over the course of the expansion for 30 minutes.

Better remove RDF then!

Citation needed.

No seriously this isn’t Fox news. You can’t just make things up and we’ll all pretend it’s true.


The RDF picks Occulus (or whatever) and the tank decides he doesn’t want to do this dungeon. So he tells the group to vote kick him or he will just stand there. If he leaves on his own, he gets the deserter debuff, so he forces the group to kick him to dodge it.


It’s quite literally the same situation just with less people

Example: a tank joins a random dungeon and decides he doesn’t like one of the DPS. With the current system, he needs at least 2 other people to agree with him to kick the DPS he doesn’t like out. Meaning two of the other randoms in the group need to also dislike the DPS, or the tank would have to have queued with a premade of at least 3, including himself. If the tank is by themselves, the group can instead remove them and move on, while the tank is punished for their attitude

If the 30 minute deserter debuff were removed, that very same example becomes: a tank joins a random dungeon and decides he doesn’t like one of the DPS. Still by himself, he cannot garner the support to kick the DPS he dislikes for no reason, and so instead of doing his job he /sits and forces the group to kick him. Said tank then just requeues and does the same thing for the next group. And then the next one, and the next one, and the next one

The first example requires a majority to ruin others’ day. The second example only requires one

Edit: to add to this, I’ve been running random gammas on my fury Warrior for most of my playtime the last 2 days, the same Warrior that barely meets the requirements to even queue for gammas, and not a single group has even hinted they don’t want me there. So your anecdotal evidence that these hateful premades are common is just that: anecdotal


The alternative is make it like it was. You couldn’t initiate a vote kick until 15 minutes into the dungeon.

Also, this is a consequence of Blizz shoving Mythic dungeons into Wrath, which just makes players more toxic and gatekeeping. If it was authentic to Wrath, no way players would feel the need to be so min/max orientated. That was part of the beauty of Heroics. Whereas with Mythics you get this garbage.


You can queue for normal heroics. You don’t need to queue for the mythic dungeons.


Yeah and no one will. It’s called human nature. You make content more valuable, everyone goes there. Just like in Retail everyone progresses to Mythics. Also, when Blizz took this game down the e-sport route the first time, the millions of casuals just quit.

I don’t really have a horse in this race because I’ve never really experienced vote kicking random people in all the time I’ve played wow for the past 20 years.

But, dungeon deserter should only be a thing for repeat offenders.

They already track all the stats in the background. You should probably only start getting dungeon deserter if you are constantly kicked and then should depreciate over time as you don’t get kicked.

For those that are excessively abusing the feature should only get so many per a certain time period.

I’ve maybe seen 3-5 kicks my entire time playing wow and 75% were due to DC’s.


You shouldn’t have to take a 30 minute debuff if a premade kicks you. That debuff is to prevent toxic behavior, low gs is not toxic behavior. That is on the premade. Report them for greifing.


Well theyve locked currency behind it, so it’s not quite the same.

Thank you for the explanation though for the Oculus, that makes more sense now. I personally see no issue with vote kicking someone out if they want out like that, but I see how a tank who gets an instant queue could abuse it.

If you go by these forums, the titan protocol dungeons we’re the worst addition to the game. So now it’s finally time for the silent majority to rise up and show blizzard through analytics that they are not wanted and only queue for normal heroics.

be the change you want to see in the world (of warcraft)


Are the forums already firing up dishonest dungeon finder cope? This issue was discussed to death for over a year leading up to this patch. No sense in pretending the problem doesn’t exist. :rofl:


Seems like he’s not pretending the problem doesn’t exist to me. He’s just pointing out that it’s not nearly as prevalent as people make it out to be. And he’s correct


He didn’t say it doesn’t exist. He said it was rare, which it is. The majority of people on these forums say that they don’t remember any problems at all in OG wrath RDF. Problem groups were very rare.


This is a very reasonable outlook, I would be behind this type of system.

Nope, just the same concern trolls who don’t understand math.