You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

You mean how msnbc and cnn make stuff up all the time with mo proof lol? They all suck and are part of mainstream media neither sucks more than the other

It’s a thread about the toxicity caused by these Mythic dungeons. Why would I be talking about dual spec or the Token?

And yes as Blizz abandoned #nochanges Classic has become less and less popular. But sadly more and more profitable. They don’t care about players who want an authentic experience. They want to milk whales. That’s why Classic exists.

It is a spectacular development. It appears to be the case that there is still some residual resentment from the RDF debacle.

The debate is over, it’s in the game and will probably never be removed. We can all be more honest about what RDF is and what it isn’t.

Actually, every difficulty above Normal does have a requirement. Heroic is 180, Alpha is 187, Beta is 200, and Gamma is 210

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Did not know that now I do. But…that is looking low to me.

Not a gear gatekeeper mind you. its just my furious upgrades started last week for the char army and continue this week with the jewelry bits and cloak for the new new gear.

And I am jsut looking at beta tops to give this a go on off pvp nights. that is minimal 239 ish iirc. And I know I am not optimal for it.

But the stamina is there to live through a few screw ups lol.

Honestly it feels pretty fair to me, so long as you know what you’re doing. I’ve been doing the ICC dungeons daily, followed by random gammas on my Warrior who is currently ilevel 212, and haven’t had any issues. Considering gamma doesn’t even drop any better gear from beta, I feel like making the requirement any higher would just make things that much more tedious for newer players

On the other hand, now betas are even less relevant than alphas, because you get better gear by just doing the ICC heroics, which I think only require ilevel 200

then don’t join a gamma dungeon with rat gear or run the risk of getting kicked.

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most deserve it.

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maybe what they should do is put a debuff (curse) to debuff each player left 50% less stats/hps

…but I thought you do get the debuff once kicked? Isn’t that what this thread is about?
What am I missing?

So apparently, in the wotlk classic edition of RDF, getting kicked gives you the debuff. We we’re talking about our experiences with how RDF used to work back in the day. So there’s going to be confusion on how it all works together now.

They probably shouldn’t give the debuffs if you get kicked, seems kinda cringe

They’re pointing at that removing the debuff for being kicked is going to cause this

I guess the argument is, is it better to wrongly punish people, or better to not punish people who should be punished. I kind of lean towards the not wrongly punishing people side on this issue at least

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At the end of the day it’s a numbers game. The wrongly punished person is only one, that requires at least 3 other players to mess with them, while the unpunished player can mess with up to 4 people, repeatedly, on their own and without consequence

Yeah but like a: that’s what reports are for, and b: unless said jackass is a tank it will probably take 2 seconds to kick the guy and find a new guy. (But I guess blizzard doesn’t want to do any manual work for bans so saying a repeat offender should get banned or not on a case by case basis may just never happen)

What I’m saying is if someone does hold a group hostage and gets kicked, it doesn’t matter. Because they aren’t punished for it, they can just immediately requeue and do the same thing with another group

Yup and I’m saying that’s what reports are for.

The same can be said for reporting groups that kick the single person

Either way, reports are unreliable at best and do nothing to help anyone in the moment

What a ridiculous take. If the game let’s you queue for it, you’re not doing anything wrong.

The problem is putting these awful Mythic Lite dungeons into Wrath in the first place. They don’t belong. The expansion was never built for it, RDF was never built for it, and the players of today are a toxic, gatekeeping bunch with that kind of content. If it was like original Wrath, this wouldn’t even be an issue.

And if you’re so worried about everyone being geared to the teeth, then just manually form your group.