You can be kicked by 4person premades in Gamma dungeon finder before the first boss and get the debuff

This has been always a thing. BFA Islands for example, they kick the odd person out if the other two were duos. For reasons I guess.

So you want to give griefers a free pass to wipe the group over and over, and then freely move along to the next group and do the same thing, as long as you haven’t killed a boss yet?

Sounds like the cure is worse than the disease…

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But it didn’t. Which I suspect is why Wrath Heroics were on the easier side. That blew up in Blizz’s face in Cata when they tried to make dungeons more difficult.

I’m surprised a premade wanted a dps. I’ve only been in premades as a healer (rest of the premade was mid-5k and I was a measly 5k).
The thing is, your experience is your own and doesn’t represent the majority of experiences. You cannot make the claim it’s more likely without actual data behind it. I suspect your situation is quite rare. But feel free to prove me wrong with actual #s.

Um… dungeon finder added to TBCC wasn’t authentic… tokens aren’t authentic… titan runes aren’t authentic… duel spec pre-patch wasn’t authentic… this new mount tab isn’t authentic (I don’t recall shared mounts during cata but maybe it came in on a later patch)…
interesting hill to die on concerning un-authenticity.

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It exists. But throughout my entire experience in OG Wrath (and during this short window so far in Classic Wrath), it’s never happened to me. So, anecdotally, seems pretty rare.

Also, if it did happen, I’d be mad for 30 seconds and then just go do something else while the debuff wears off.

A little while ago I did FoS with a 4 man guild group and everything went just fine. Maybe it was because my DK is 5.2K GS. Maybe it was because they were also from Grobbulus. Or maybe it was because the dungeon is so easy there is no reason to kick someone unless they are AFK.


the tanks and healers would hold groups hostage cause they got dungeons they didn’t like (such as occulus) and would sit afk at the entrance until they got kicked. and it was a way more common occurrence than getting a 3/4 man premade kicking people for the simple fact that it doesn’t require extra people to pull off

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I’ve done a couple dozen at least gammas already solo or duo queuing and only one person was actually kicked. It was because they wouldn’t join the dungeon or couldn’t. Even in dungeons with wipes nobody has gotten kicked. Dungeons where people didn’t know the mechanics, no kicks. Sub 5k GS in gamma, no kicks. :man_shrugging:

I’ve also leveled a 20 something paladin to 35ish yesterday in RDF and only one attempted kick that failed at first because someone said the hunter was a bot. Then it turned out the hunter was just off somewhere else doing who knows what so a 2nd vote kick passed to kick him.

I do think they should remove a debuff for being kicked or have a system where you only get it if you’re kicked multiple times in a fairly short span of time (24 hours or something).

I have no idea what your point is. None of that stuff should have been in Classic.

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in my experience the Only time to worry about this based on the very few times I saw this in retail is when you see 1 or 2 things.

All same server except you, it may be a sign. RNG is RnG. 3 same server is pushing probability.

4? Now that is creating the infinite improbability drive out of thin air. Hitchhikers guide reference some may get lol.

All same guild, that potential sign upgraded to led lights

Side note…this is what alts are for. Its a raw deal, yes. But at least you can work up the alt in the 30 minutes.

Ride out debuff on another char. Pvp’ers use that trick to have BG uptime after they dump matches gone to crap. NGL, I’ve rotated chars in rougher nights in retail pvp.

Maybe you were whining about those changes too, I don’t know. If so, then at least you’re consistent.
I’m saying that the “no change” matra ship sailed well before wotlk classic came out.

Got kicked from two different groups as a healer after a wipe with 0 warning or words. For me, its the utter lack of communication RDF has that makes this suck the most.

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Don’t take your freshly dinged 80 scrub to gamma and you won’t have this problem. Blizzard needed to put a gear requirement on the difficulty modes in the first place.

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I just did Occulus and saw a warrior kicked for “Low GS” I voted against it, but it passed anyway. The ironic thing is the tank was also at a lower GS, yet we still cleared everything just fine. As far as I’m concerned if you can queue for Gamma then your GS is good enough.

so if I dont get the dugneon i want, I jsut sit down andw ait to get kicked. then insta-queue again.

yes. it was like that. players abused it. this is the result of their abuse.

There is a gear requirement. You need to be at least 210ilvl to queue for Gamma.

The technology is there. Retail dungeons in LFD have had coded ilevel avg cutoffs. Hell even lfr has an ilevel avg cutoff

Not a good enough ilevel…get the denied message. it not be gate keeping per se. if the gear is too low even the math is saying this won’t work with even the most perfect rotations run by players.

The devs presumably should know a realistic cutoff since they tuned the dungeons.

Yeah this is the one place I’ll say it’s kinda BS for toxic groups. I thought it was supposed to be 5 minutes. Just got into one at 4500 GS and instantly kicked.

The simplest solution is to put a cooldown on how often you can kick, no more than one per day and probably only 2-3 per week. That should be plenty to get rid of toxic players and AFKs but you have to think about doing it to anyone who is less than 5500 GS.

Why wotlk has such boring posts