You Are In Charge Of Creating a New Transmog Set For The Cash Shop

I’d love an a Shivarrah outfit with optional skirt ( kilt for guys) and give the Shivarrah some optional skills so we can use her in something other than just PVP.

Plaid jammies with reading glasses, fuzzy slippers, a pillow and book off-hands and a blankie cape. Maybe it comes with a cat or dog pet.

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If Blizzard as able to make a Miku set that could make money. Instead of a hat you have a wig and if it came with an unlock of her dance. What would people give for that.

They’ll add these.

The scabbard on your back will be a cape transmog, and your weapon will not go in it.

The scabbards will be extra 3d bits on some pants, and your weapons will not go in it.


Every hunter should have a ghillie suit.


well, two things - back items cause the sheathed 2H to disappear (like wings or other various things), so I will accept the quirk of a quickly vanishing weapon when it sheathes (yes, you may not see the protruding hilt, but, meh…baby steps)

and for the 1h hip-sheathe: maybe the graphic of the scabbard would also cause the weapon to disappear when sheathed. I’d be down with that

I would do a wearable billboard that said something along the lines of ‘Blizzard Sucks’ or ‘Microtransactions are Killing Gaming’

If I’ve learned one thing it’s that the WoW community is very self depreciating. It would sell like Hot Cakes.

though I do lose value year-over-year - if i ever had any to begin with - i believe it’s self deprecating. I suck at that kind of humor, though.


A ballerina outfit for my lovely Gnomes. Here’s a look, courtesy of a certain AI software.


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damn bro cooked.

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:unamused: I see what you did there, dad.

Just for that, you can’t have the captain America shield mog that I was going to make for 4th of July. It would have sold out within minutes!

If they wanted to be really unpopular they could release the rest of the class armour sets to match the shoulder/helm/belt we got from trading post.

I think super detailed formal wear (modern suit/dress) that isn’t just “painted on” would likely sell quite well. Bonus points for a vest and rolled up sleeve option instead of jacket. I want to show off my watch!

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Dude, I’d want you to make a Cap’n Australia shield and I will wear it. When wearing it I get that cool aussie accent you folks have and +100 defense against wacky beasts and bugs.

And maybe you can also make a Australia-inspired druid form and the tagline will be “Australian for bear

I’d make something special and sell it for $499 or more that way these people would really stand out.

It would be funny if instead of another new race with a brittish accent they went for an Australian accent.

I can’t do you a captain Australia, but you can have a jolly swagman mog, complete with a functional Australian Swag toy.

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a pride tabard for 99c


I would love this.

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Hows this work for ya:


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Roleplayer’s Bundle

  • Includes 4 unique, low fantasy, highly detailed transmog sets.
  • Each set represents one of the primary armor types (cloth, leather, mail, plate).
  • Any class can use any of the transmog sets.
  • Each set comes with 4 color variations.
  • Each set comes with some variations for individual pieces (such as “hood up” or “hood down” variations).
  • All for just $39.99.

That’d sell like hot cakes. The mix 'n match potential would be enormous.

I. love. it.

The purple and everything! That headpiece is cute.

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crikey, that’s good!

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