You Are In Charge Of Creating a New Transmog Set For The Cash Shop

I was thinking kind of like these buildings are wearing but for my characters




(that’s Flea - young mind worker cop)


Gotta have quite the ego to want something based off yourself

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I’d just make it a cosmetic Frostmourne.
One-handed, two-handed, staff, polearm, the works, just so everyone can use it.
Then I sit back and watch the dumbly irate posts ensue.

Pandaria cm set recolors in the cash shop. No effort, easy money. I’d even pay for a red/black alternative color of the pally set.

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clown shoes


black mesh shirt

fedora (which doesn’t hide your hair)

boxing gloves

superman cape

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I would try and re-imagine an iconic Diablo set for WoW. This includes unlocking new hair styles, colors, tattoos, and a few spell effects. The whole set would go for $40 but you would be able to buy individual pieces at $10.

all in one mog? nice


Love Tyrande’s, and always wished they’d come out with a Jedi robe mog for the monks.

would love the mail armor warrior sprite from D1. One of my favorite classic low-fantasy looks

Arabian Miku or Alice in Wonderland Miku


You had me at miku

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With something like that I would do every slot including shirt, tabard, weapons, and give the shield the same treatment Chen’s hat got where it could be a weapon transmog or a back transmog.

looks above
Orcs and their love of Miku.

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It’s called having taste

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how could i NOT ask for this:

sword scabbards, for 1H on hip and a 2h scabbard for claymores for your back

We…we…can eat Miku? I have not used cannibalize in years.

I reject your joke and would see these forums burn before harm comes to Miku

runs around with Miku nendoroid and yum yum sauce

You can’t stop me.