You Are In Charge Of Creating a New Transmog Set For The Cash Shop

Something more fashion forward. Something that looks like an outfit someone would wear today.
I want my ladies to be style’en.

LOL, I specifically requested he be wearing an Akubra hat. The software knows my taste. :sunglasses:

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A drover style coat would go pretty hard in wow. Add on a swag for the Cape slot and I’m in!

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i had to look up that term. thank you. i feel i’ve increased my class and garment accumen

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This is about as close as I can get (the AI isnt that familiar with stockman coats).


Edit: makes me wish my druids could wear gear like this in bear form. It would be an extremely neat option.


I bestow upon you the highest honour. Take this unassuming tin can for brewing tea in, we named him Billy.

That’s adorable, I love it.

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Ta. Would make a nice story, the druid stuck in Bear form, wandering the land with his little Tassie Devil Friend called Hobart.

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Well there’d be a kilt of course. Tartan sash over the shoulder. Some leather armor pieces for practical protection. Celtic tattoos would be part of the chest piece. Four color schemes. Red and Black, Blue and Black, Green and Black, and Black and Silver.

Me make invis set.

Everything clear. No see.


oh, cool, bro. thank you.


I would do Classic Warcraft 3 out fits. just in High rez.

Huh. TIL it might be a thing in Canada, too.

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it reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart

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green and gold alleria outfits. extreme skimpy version.

I’d just market it as underwear/lingerie, like you can mog to be almost nude, but you can finally alter the appearance/style/color of your underwear. People would pay top dollar for a fancy new bra.

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okay boredumb you’ve had enough coffee for one day.

I would finally give male characters a speedo

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I did all that work and only you acknowledged it so far


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Ahh, the classic budgie smugglers.


I would love the spirit healer transmog. I wouldn’t want it extra skimpy but it would be super cool on a priest