You and Your Alt

only reason i dont roll alts is because everything is such a grind and aint no body got time for that

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I can’t stop saying “sinteresting” in real life.

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Zandalari Monk raised by Tortollan. His Tortollan father basically doted over his adopted son and gave him whatever he wanted to the point where even hired a Pandaren Monk to teach him private lessons. (Tortollan may or may not have been an adoptee himself, raised by a kobold named Splinter.)

Human Rogue that is basically a violent agent of the Church. Like Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing, Alexander Anderson from Hellsing type. An inquisitorial agent, I guess. Both the Antorus set and the Castle Nathria set have in their time renewed this desire greatly.

Sometimes I want to revive old characters that I’ve race changed or otherwise moved on from. For example, my greasemonkey Worgen Hunter/Engineer. His biggest influence was Ricky from Trailer Park Boys, but there was also like some DC Comics Lobo in there too. Basically, he was a loveable dumb-bum who liked rigging explosives and shooting things, and mispronounced/misused big words all the time. “Check out these sweet decnals I put on my motorbike.”

One out there concept I had was for a human soul that was being carried to Oribos by a Kyrian when a devourer leaps from a portal. The soul falls into the In-Between, and has recently made their way back to Oribos, with a warped mind.

An Azothan Barbarian who fell in love with a woman. A jealous Bronze dragon loved her as well, and in order to rid himself of his competition, threw the warrior into time, to our present day.


sintcomprehensible. have an accursed day.

I was pretty excited when Kul Tiran were announced but much like Vulpera, I find them too aesthetically polished.

I really wish Blizz would allows us to make brutal, barbaric, worn and frankly, monstrous-looking characters.

I’d be all about creating a scrawny Kul Tiran, clad in rags, scarred up and haggard from years spent at sea.


Hanz ze Slasha

A doctor who fights with a bonesaw and is 100% licensed for sure. He speaks with a German accent and his signature battlecry is “Ze Docter vill see you now!”

Granted this is a character I played in a Cyberpunk game and have no idea how I’d translate it over to WoW but it was bloody good fun playing a slightly psychotic medic who was just as likely to cut you up as he was stitch you up.

As time went on his lore expanded. He was in fact a serial killer who just loved slashing peoples faces, and he got close to his victims and snuck into places by claiming to be a health inspecter. However, to keep himself squeeky clean in the public image he moonlighted as a techno-rave DJ who had a regular spot in local night clubs.

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Mogo wonder if Worgen Hunter/Engineer rode “Hornse” or if rode “Horn Dog” like Willy Goat.

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How about a sexy, mysterious masked party-boy who seems to appear out of nowhere and dances all night?

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You know there’s a grey item “goblin gentleman’s magazine” out there right?

I’m pretty sure I’ve come across it once; not on the Rogue though, unfortunately.

So I’m three levels from 50 on a LF mage and after finishing up Gorgrond I am this close to dropping them because I want to make a Draenei Hunter and play a copycat blue Rexxar Rangari.

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Why not both?

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Yah but I like the male Draenei gunslinger animation ;v

Whenever I created an alt I immediately start getting ideas. However they never really come to fruition due to many reasons. Mainly being I can’t actually sit and RP for hours like I used to. Haven’t met anyone patient enough for it so I sadly can’t RP anymore ._.


Man, looking at my roster, I have so many other alts I want to explore, but I don’t even get to RP my main anymore.

-Void elf researcher who studies void form mutations, helping other ren’dorei control their forms and understand them if they start straying from a humanoid shape. Also acts as a therapist, but will deny that portion of his job heavily.

-Void elf rift runner. Travels across broken planets and dimensions to search for wildlife and treasure. Massive loner, but a huge fanboy for Magister Umbric for giving him the perfect job. Has a corruped Kal’dorei sabre he saved.

-Worgen shop owner. Sells every form of nefarious reagent you could ever desire in Dalaran. Wants to expand to a warlock-centric tavern and shop someday, but doesn’t make enough money to chase that dream.

-Void elf “pirate” who is actually an uncorrupted void drake who is barely able to maintain a humanoid form. Complete nerd. Absolute baby.

-Retired blood elf general who is now coping with the fact that their broken leg means they’re never fighting again. Works as a warrior trainer now, but has turned bitter. Very personal story, but, I don’t trust anybody to write it with since people get weird about stuff like disabilities.


Two of my ideas come to mind…
1.) Tauren farm girl (Warrior) who uses a gardening hoe and a door for a shield.
2.) Undead flower girl who has zero combat capabilities and loves life.


Slightly different approach than the OP’s request …

I love character creation. so I’ve almost as many characters i’ve made but not gotten through the start zones as ones I actually work on leveling.

Probably the most unusual (some might consider him outré) is a Kaldorei DK who’s not a DK in the usual sense.

His nebulous backstory is that during the War of the Thorns he was mortally wounded in combat. Managed to crawl off the battlefield and cover himself up with leaves and topsoil to try & escape pursuit, but he didn’t survive. Posthumously (pun intended) he revived with something like bark instead of armor, and a burning (pun intended) rage to protect all flora of Azeroth and only the vaguest snatches of memory remaining as a tenuous connection to his former life as a Kaldorei.

I guess you could say he’s like a standard DK intellectually , with a bit different motivation psychologically. His biological needs are different as well. His “hunger” is for what most plants need - water, fertile soil & sunlight. He would probably wither away fairly quickly in places like Silithus or Deepholm.

Anticipating having to tussle with lore-yers and the “no DKs” tendency in a lot of RP are definitely the main reasons I’ve never worked him out into a leveled or leveling playable character.

But … he might not be quite so outré now as he would’ve been before SL. There’s probably a way to tie into lore as far as coming back from Ardenweald before Sylvanas got things completely discombobulated. The plate armors available from the Night Fae would definitely mog right into his character.


Going all ham on my hunter now.

An AU hunter that has traveled to the MU to hunt the greatest predator of all, himself! While the MU version has traveled to the AU to hunt the greatest predator of all, himself!

Well, there’s that idea or he’s just a weird mushroom man and I use sporebats as my pets??


I remembered some more that I wanted to share so I’ve decided to make an addendum.

So I’ve got a couple Gnomes in my roster, one core Gnome Warrior and one Mechagnome Mage. The Warrior was part of an old endeavor to rp a Steam Warrior, another class adapted from the table top rpg. She was meant to be something akin to a Techno Mage, combining arcane magic with technology. She have a suit of personal power armor in addition to the large mech suit, hence why I chose the class I did.

The Mechagnome was meant to be one of those case where I planned to portray multiple characters on one. In this case it would be a Mechagonian tank engineer and her fully mechanized sister, tenuously repurposed as the former’s servant.

I got pretty far with both, as far as my goals were concerned. I managed to make the Sky Golem for the Warrior’s mech and unlocked the Mechagnome heritage armor. I ended up stopping mainly because I could think of what I’d do with either once I finally deemed myself worthy of portraying them. I had some ideas but none were particularly strong and as is often the case I had other characters I wanted to work on as well.

Relatively recently I brought back the warrior after deleting her for a bit so I could unlock the Gnome heritage armor as well, then reroll that Gnome as a Mage and conduct a narrative of her and the Mechagnome being rivals. Granted the latter might be better off as a more traditional narrative anyway, as is often the case with some of my ideas in recent years.

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I had a Forsaken Apothecary character a long time ago but I did an alt purge and she was one of the ones that got the axe. I kinda miss her because she was spoopy, kooky, and fun to RP! If I had the energy to level my alts, I’d consider bringing her back somehow. Forsaken are my second favorite race in the game, their lore is so great!

But really, I lack the energy to do any alts right now even though this expansion supposedly has made it easier to have them. I am so busy IRL that just keeping up with my main is all I can do. And besides, I super duper love my main so I’m not really bothered by my army of alts.

I guess my paladin, who is still back on my other server, is the only one I wish I had more time for. I’m leveling her slowly, like one level a day/play session.

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