You and Your Alt

I have trouble getting one character into anything.
I love the DH class, and I keep trying to RP him as not a DH. I’d go into details on why I can’t pull the trigger on development, but it’ll turn into a giant, raging rant.

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Something along the lines happened to me, but completely different. I rolled a Night Elf Death Knight with the intention of making her a risen Sentinel that defected from Sylvanas and the Horde to rejoin the kaldorei in Darkshore, but as I was playing through the DK starting zones I kinda like the idea of a Death Knight more now.


When WoW Classic launched, I mostly rerolled my Retail mains…but I had an idea for a Night Elf Warrior who was granted a vision of Teldrassil burning. It would drive her mad, push her on a quest to destroy the Horde, which she would fail of course and die… and then reroll her in Retail as a Death Knight for Shadowlands, where she would return with a terrible vengeance and kill all my other characters except my Tauren Death Knight, kicking off my headcanon RP for the expansion with an epic Death Knight rivalry.

I played Classic for like a month, said Night Elf only got to level 5 or something and I have a level 25 Death Knight just sitting around in Northrend as I ask myself “Do I really want to level a second Death Knight?”.


I have so many classic characters I’d love to play but can’t because I don’t have time to make friends who play classic, and that’s the only way I can slog the leveling without a community to keep me distracted throughout.

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A whole bunch!!

Incomplete is one! An insane archaeologist that wants to turn everyone into cool robot skeletons.

Lightforged Draenei terminator and pastry chef, baking cute little confectioneries in an oven powered by holy fire.

Draenei Astromancer that peered into the darkness between the stars and now seeks to understand the whispers from the shadows.

A void elf criminal that was already banished from Quel’thalas and was trying to get their banishment overturned by assisting Umbric as hired muscle only to get void corrupted and banished AGAIN. Double banned elf!

Gnome priest mathematician that manifests the light by calculating complex math equations in their head.

Night Elf hermit druid that has spent the last few thousand years away from Night Elf society alone in the woods obsessively communing with the moon. Covered in leaves and smells like compost.

Zandalari Lun’alai druid that felt the presence of the Night Warrior and has ventured out to Dark Shore. Now spends their time trying to restore balance.

Demon Hunter Blood and/or Night Elf, doesn’t really matter. Basically they’re D from Vampire Hunter D and goes around taking on jobs dealing with spooky things.


Zandalari monk, a veteran pterrodax rider who went to Pandaria with Zul, and was shot down. An old Pandaran hermit woman found him near death and took him in, helped nurse him back to health, and started teaching him balance in his life, and only recently has he begun to walk the world again. Level 20 and has been for about a year.

Mechagnome DK that, rather than coming from Mechagon or being an actual DK, is the result of a mad scientist trying to resurrect a corpse with science. Basically robocop. Level 19 forever.

Literally any priest.

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Oh man, a whole bunch.

1. Blood Elf Blood Knight.
My void elf explores the more BC themes of the Blood Elves as a race - using dark powers to survive, resenting that the Sunwell could so easily destroy his entire race, etc. I’ve sorta wanted to make a Blood Elf who goes the other way - who sees the Sunwell as this source of amazing salvation and purity that cured him or her from their dark ways in the BC era - someone who sees it as redemptive and is committed to a new and brighter future. But tbh the concept’s quite traditionally paladiny and I’ve not found an angle I like to play it well, some perspectives beyond the traditional… so I haven’t xD

2. Moonclaw Worgen
I’ve always wanted to play a Moonclaw Worgen - they’re worgen down in Feathermoon Stronghold who are functionally Night Elf Sentinels, not human-esque Gilneans. I feel like it’d be a bit of a girl power episode in this case xD I liked the idea of a Gilnean woman who’s forced into a crappy traditional life in Gilneas, maybe getting a lot of pressure to follow in her mother’s footsteps of being a seamstress or something, only to sorta say “Screw you I want to be a MIGHTY WARRIOR” and go join the Kaldorei Sentinels - a force made up predominantly of awesome warrior women. I like the idea, but yeah sorta haven’t made it yet.

3. Revantusk Troll Warrior/Shaman/Druid?
I often make characters who, in some way or another, have pretty traumatic backstories. I had an idea a while back for a character who’s actually had a pretty normal life and is just trying to make their way in the world, coming of age very recently and deciding to leave his/her little home village in the Hinterlands and travel to the faraway Horde capital to get work and maybe improve their practice of whatever they do, be it druidism or shamanism or whatever. The idea seems really nice and lovely to me - a simpler life and a blank slate that can be shaped by RP, but there’s not a skintone option that’s green enough for me to roll with my Revantusk idea yet - I was hoping it’d be in the new customisations! Ah well! Maybe in time.

4. Human Argent Crusader
Probably the least fleshed out but one I’d like to do anyway - I really want to make a politically neutral character. My toons tend to often find themselves aligned to one side or the other either by choice or by circumstance. I’d sorta like to give neutral a go… but as I’ve not fleshed this idea out beyond that it’s not yet a character haha.

5. SI:7 Deep Cover Agent.
I’d really love to make a Horde character who’s actually a deep cover agent working for SI:7. I feel like that’d open a lot of really interesting doors and could be a fun secret to keep in RP.

I have a few ideas bouncing around my head but those are the ones that I’m feeling the most at the moment. Maybe I’ll add more if I think of some new ones, or feel like reviving old ones like the good old Nightborne Nagaologist I nearly made.


My first ever “serious” RP character was a Revantusk warrior captain of the guard of Revantusk because I thought that was the coolest thing ever to be, captain of the guard. Much love to them.

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I love it! I set up a mechagnome DK to start leveling for the heritage set, I don’t plan to RP on them but I always gotta make up stories in my head and I had something similar in mind. It’d basically be a rehash of my priest but instead an undead gnome that believes mechanization could cure them of undeath into something more complete and whole.

Oh that’s a cool idea! I could see a Goblin filling this role really well. On the reverse side of it, could do like, maybe a Deathstalker that poses as a Death Knight or something Alliance side? Not sure how well that’d work but deep cover spy is pretty fun idea.

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Risen Night Elf that perhaps isn’t totally on board with the whole Horde thing as they may think :wink:

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My core idea actually came about thanks to blue eyed blood elves - I thought I’d make a High Elf deep cover agent! But I agree those would both fit so well!

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Oh I totally forgot about blue eye elves for horde and alliance!! That works really well too, especially since you can actually play one on both factions.

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There was one I loved, and I tried, but just didn’t have the dedication to make it work. This was right after we got Goblins. She was a combination of a televangelist, mary kay sales person, and scientologist. She had suffered a traumatic injury after and “industrial accident”. She had been trying to develop glow in the dark mascarra and one test batch exploded. While she was unconscious she’d had a vision and the light revealed to her the true path to salvation. Skin care. Oh, and a pyramid scheme, but that’s just a minor detail.

It’s just hard to make money selling the skin lotion of salvation when no one has a door.


Don’t get me started. I was in some Forums PvP over whether or not Disc Pallies could exist canonically, and one of the examples used against my case was “Disc priests aren’t canon”.


I stopped reading here and fell in love.

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Replace ‘Steamy Romance Novels’ with ‘Playgob’ and that’s basically my Rogue.


all of my wow characters

Most of the alt ideas that I end up kicking around with the greatest frequency are less specifically tied to a particular race or class concept and more to a weird yearning for a new blood, not yet bombastic or legendarily inflated; someone who has yet to cut their teeth.

At this point I have been playing this game since Classic and have maintained and progressed the stories of many alts to the point that most of them feel logically retired to quest giver/mentor status, and I find myself more and more content to allow them to fade into the background as NPCs to facilitate the stories of others, whether the alts of my RP partners or for alts of my own. The only thing that holds me back is the persistent feeling that the WoW which inspires my character concept process in the first place doesn’t really exist anymore in an official capacity; the game and its story have moved on in many dramatic ways and the sandbox of the lore, messy and haggard as it is, does not really do it for me anymore for the most part. But I guess that is the joy of being a role player; we make our own sandboxes, even if that makes atavistic troglodytes of more than a few of us.

As a roleplay friend used to say, echoing McCarthy: maybe there’s just no Horde for old Orcs. I suppose it might be time to prove that statement wrong.


I did this one back in LK!

I had a human priest who was put under a mage’s guise to look like a belf so she could enter SMC and look for a quest item. I had it be a sword she was looking for, so she wandered the city looking for a particular sword model on people.

Her character name didn’t match the name she was calling herself. She couldn’t read any city signs. She asked people about their weapons and otherwise acted sus.

2 guildies finally figured it out ICly. Was definitely fun RP. I should do that again. Whole new guild - they’ll never realize :smiley:


I wanted to make a blood elf holy priest who’s TRP was all sunshine and lolipops, full of color and joy, but IC they are a depressed, morose, sad elf that drones on in a monotone voice because, like, "What’s even the point… We’re all going to try to kill each other again when Sylvanas is caught… We’re all just dust in the wind. :C "

But, like, that’d require me to make a Blood Elf. Have you seen Wyrmrest Accord’s RP scene? Might as well call Orgrimmar ‘Silvermoon City but Orange’ :stuck_out_tongue: