You all know it. You do

This guy sabbaticalses

This has an air of:


I will be here for a long while until they monetize everything (to the point where I feel like I dont have a choice to buy tokens) or suck all fun out of the game. The first is probably more likely to happen.

Blizzard became greedy when they got big like most big companies unfortunately.

naa wow is just a side game to me now i got a new home in gw2
and i will never stop complaining!

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I started playing thatā€™s again a few days ago, after about a 6 month time away. Such a pretty game. I miss the trinity game play but itā€™s a very easy to pick up and mess around in the OW.


This is good dump post.

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You may be right but Iā€™m going to try my best to stop even with War Within coming out, gonna be hard but life is too short. Iā€™ve already spent 10,000 hours in this game combined and nothing to show for it, I could have learned literally anything else, could have spent that time on my health, learning how to fly, learning a new skill that I can apply and make money, anything beats playing a game where you get nothing out of it. Not a dis on this game, its great but I need to dial it back a ton, canā€™t be spending too much time on it anymore. /rant

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You make it sound like this is a bad thingā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Nah, just want to open the eyes of the deniers and show them their inevitable fate that you and I will all share willingly or be dragged kicking and screaming to new content for the next 20 years!

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nice! i like all the open world stuff probably the strongest point of the game

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True but the good news is Activision and Bobby arent calling the shots anymore.

I just dropped $100 on discounted steam games and I havenā€™t paid for WoW sub since I liquidated all my gold in mid SL. My sub expires in May and I have no strong desire to stay subbed especially now that I have probably have at least 200 hours of other game content to play.

I may pop in from time to time, specifically for whatever Classic version is going on, but I havenā€™t bought DF and I donā€™t plan on buying any future expacs for a long time.

If Blizzard, or you, want to chalk that up as a win/haha gotcha you customer for life/can never quit WoW then more power to you.


I loved cata, sorry.


Meh, I can drop an MMO like a stinky paper bag full of poo. I was already 6 years deep in Ultima Online when WoW came out. I first tried WoW a bit after TBC launch when they started selling cheap 30 day trial disks at Gamestop for a dollar. I thought it was comically bad at that point and switched over to Dark Age of Camelot instead. UO and DAoC are both a bit outdated and rough for me now. WoW has considerably improved, and especially after LFR release, is more in line with what I want out of an MMO. Eventually I think I will view WoW as I view UO and DAoC, too clunky, too hard to look at. As of now, itā€™s tolerable, but I think it wont be forever.

Not me. Current sub runs out in a month. Im not buying more, Iā€™ll use gold for a sub for the 20th anniversary, once that sub runs out Iā€™m out for good this time

All thats left in this game is 8 M+ dungeons and a raid every 6 months while trying to get that last recipe to drop (lariat ā€¦ primal mastery) that gets boring after a monthā€¦ like right now.

Iā€™m not a collector and digital achievements become irrelevant every new season.

For me, its just time to give it up.


I still sometimes revisit EverQuest, EQ2, DAoC and LoTRO when the moods strike. I donā€™t see why WoW will be any different.

These games are great escapes, regardless of how old I am.

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If you really can stop, then I say good on you. :grinning:

That being saidā€¦you are stuck here foreverā€¦ :smiling_imp:

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I revisit EQ1 from time to time as well. I have a couple of lower level toons without prestige gear that I can play for free when I get the itch.

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Sometimes you just need to get wrecked by a train of mobs in the Field of Bone to feel alive. I get it.

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Or the classic Unrest emote /shout Train to zone line get off the tracks Choo Choo!

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