You all know it. You do

Yeah, but I only log in every so often, unless I have an RP group and we’re all writing something together.

Other than that, I don’t care that much about the game.

Bobby and activision has nothing to do with the game design. Those who were are still designing the game.

Yeah, I’m real flight-y when it comes to WoW these days.

I had pretty much quit DF for good until SoD came along, if not for SoD I wouldn’t be playing any WoW right now.

Lotta other games on my plate.

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I’m looking forward to Cata Classic. :smiley:

It’s where Baridorielor, the Persian god amongst men were born. And i would be so happy just to try to retrace my steps from my old and awful memory banks from what and where i’ve went in WoW during my teenage years. :grinning:

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I was there when the sims online turned off the lights. I’ll be here, too. If WoW outlives me no it won’t :hammer:


I so wish i’ve played that one. Never got the chance to experience it. :confused:

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It was very weird, and I was way too young to be playing it. I have fond memories of running a drowning scam plot. :moneybag: :ghost:

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I wish i can drown Sims for money. :frowning:

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Pretty sure many people who cling to this game don’t actually like it. They like the fantastical memories they have of the game when they used to have fun, but they don’t actually like playing it.

Yea, more than likely.

Not really too concerned about it one way or the other, frankly.

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One day a game is going to come along and be good enough to outweigh the sunk cost of this one.

Then there will be rue-ing…mark my words…

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i feel the same about tbc

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Maybe the game but for some of us,we wouldn’t live forever.

Correction: I will be here until the day I get put in the ground.


That is what I call dedication.

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If Ff14 had something equivalent to mythic plus and if the tanks werent so brain dead to play I might have been tempted to stay there.

But I don’t ever see that changing

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Be thankful you didn’t. There were more people running Love Hotels than anything else.

The base game of Sims 4 is free. You just need a EA game account…

I make no effort to hide this. What else am I supposed to do, play Elder Scrolls Online?

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I’ve taken multiple multiple years breaks from wow but I always keep tabs on what’s happening with the game.

I play it when it’s fun and I don’t when it’s tedious and unfun.

Removing the daily busywork was a game changer for me. When I log in I want to do what I want. I don’t like logging in to a list of things I need to do before I can do what I want.

I like to raid so this daily chore list was mandatory for me and caused me to quit Legion/BFA and SL

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