You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

This was the mantra at Blizzcon last year. Feels more and more like smoke.

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I need to have it all!

Yeah let me just not stand in unavoidable raid wide/dungeon wide AoE damage. :roll_eyes:


its been 3 days and ppl are having panic attacks after getting 100k in 3 days

the event is 90 days long


I think everyone understands this but it’s missing the point that the event has only been out for a few days, half of which is a weekend. Give Blizzard time to either fix things or say they’re implemented as intended.

I mean, the could have not nerfed it and fixed the scaling to begin with lol


You know, it’s hard to believe but I don’t think Blizzard’s intention was to just give everyone all of the cosmetics for free.

You just pick the things that are important, or perhaps unobtainable and go from there.

That being said, people are reporting farming 25k bronze an hour, and you can get upto 10 of the remix specific mounts for that amount, and many of the hard to get mounts that are still available are also less than that.

Only 9 are more expensive, and one of those is Alani’s mount which is incredibly easy to get on live and guaranteed for everyone who tags the kill.

You’re really over estimating it if you think people are needing 31,500,000 bronze to get what they want.

That’s 630 of the most expensive items you can purchase (Tusks of Mannoroth and Ruby Cloud Serpent)

Blizzard nerfed the frog grind.


The thing is most of the stuff was already fixed on the PTR and Blizzard broke it for some reason.

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You do realize it doesnt take 3 days to see we were deceived and not given what was advertised right?

Why in the world would you continue down a path that already starts off with red warning flags???


did you not read that blizzard nerfed the frog grind?


It took 1 days to see how broken this was. Testers CBA to spend a single day checking this thing for issues.

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Blizzard cant afford testers.

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And how many days of PTR?

They had lots of time to test and fix the issues player seen on day ONE of launch.
Bad scaling, terrible high bronze costs with low gain the normal means, lied with the cloak being account bound stats.


Wah wah

No one expects that. If they would’ve increase bronze gains significantly but gave it a weekly cap I would’ve been happier than what we have now which is grinding for hours and hours every day


Exploit early, exploit often.

I still recall others not being terrible, just not as lucrative as doubling up with the lesser charm farm of frogs.
SoO completion if I recall correctly people were mentioning receiving ~30k from. (Sadly I can’t confirm the legitimacy of those claims)

I agree, although preferably a cumulative cap similar to how they now do things like conquest/valour etc, and obviously not restrictively small either.

ON MYTHIC. And that’s still unconfirmed since it was said in an interview and who knows if it’s changed.

Maybe stop apologizing for anything you don’t have firsthand knowledge of. You don’t know wtf it’s actually like unless you hit 70 then try to prog, and not as a DPS either. Might as well pull opinions out of the magic 8-ball and assume they are valid.


well there’s two issues with this statement:

  1. I don’t want to exploit anything in this game, i want to play the game legit.

  2. I don’t have the free time to always log on to do take advantage of stuff like that anyways.


Complain more about how Blizzard has given people access to otherwise rare or hard to get cosmetics basically for free.
The point stands, you aren’t meant to just log in once and get every single coveted item from Mop just by showing up.

Perhaps try being reasonable instead of expecting to have everything handed to you and you’d be less disappointed.

Let’s not also forget that many of the sources of a lot of those items are also now available on a daily reset fuether increasing their availability even outside of bronze.

People expect too much. Sure it has it’s issues, but lets not be silly and claim “you need to play 14 hours a day everyday” like the person I was replying to did.

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