You all do realize it's been 3 days right?

i don’t expect to have everything but i do expect the upgrade path to not be an absolute joke along with how XP for alts caps at 100%.

I have 250% on my cape for XP that should be 1:1 for alts period.


Oh boy, I can’t wait to have another event like this and have Blizzard learn nothing for the 3rd time in a row :]


I agree, but it is after all a Blizzard product.
Sadly this fact is something we must live with and accept if we choose to engage with it.

I also haven’t bothered with the frog farm, but I also don’t expect to receive every reward available, that was never my expectation to begin with.

I didn’t know it was acceptable for content to be broken for a certain amount of time. I thought it supposed to work from the moment it was released. My bad.

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considering blizzard has said there is scaling issues… there’s scaling issues

You still don’t know wtf you are talking about. One round of gear upgrades costs basically all my bronze. If no one is intended to spend on that then why the hell was it even added.

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While it is true that it is only 3 days into a 3 month event, the opposite side of the coin can also be true. If someone is posting on a forum for a game, chances are pretty likely that person plays more passionately and for a longer period of time.

For many of us here participating in Remix, I would agree that judging a 3 month event on 3 days of data is counterproductive. It’s just simply a waste of time. Let’s see how it plays out first. Only Blizzard developers truly know what’s being worked on. Give it time.

But then there’s the other side of that coin, like I said. A lot of people who play video games don’t stick to one for a prolonged period of time. They bounce around from release to release, revisit old ones as they’re updated, follow their friends, etc. Plus, it’s only going to be getting nicer outside and not everyone will want to be cooped up inside for 3 months straight grinding away in a game. The average person who likes WoW enough to try out Remix might look at the amount of Bronze they’re getting relative to how expensive things are, buy a few mounts until they run out, then move on to Elden Ring DLC, or go to the beach, or whatever else.

However, at some point, “respecting people’s time” becomes a completely valid sentiment and not just a popular thing to say whenever something is going a particular way someone disagrees with.

I feel like if anyone is dissatisfied with Remix in its current state for any reason, they should reclaim some of that time they feel is being disrespected and come back later when the obvious issues have been addressed. There are so many other games to play and things to do.


I would argue the pace isn’t an issue period, because this mode was marketed as a fast leveling experience where you could get OP quickly.
Instead it’s been slower than normal retail in terms of leveling, the scaling has disincentivized people from inviting any max level character that hasn’t farmed their cloak up massively, and the one good way that people found to overcome said awful scaling was ripped off like a decent wound dressing over a bullet hole and replaced with the Buzz Lightyear toddler bandage of a 25% boost to bronze from caches.
And do the cloak stats even transfer to our alts beyond the experience boost? Because from what I’ve heard they just don’t, and if that’s the case I guess their promotional material was just a lie.

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You do realize that your like the 4th or 5th that has said this? You also realize that there are people that are MILES AHEAD of everyone else and Blizzards Fix for it was to nerf the one thing that they could do to catch up? You realize that by saying the words your saying, your inevitably going to piss the entire community off and you are going to get roasted?


Dude you have a lot of anger over a leisure activity you choose to participate in.
Have you ever thought of taking a break from engaging in a relationship that appears unhealthy and is causing you aggitation?

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I honestly could not care what the “community” thinks, they hate it because it’s the truth. The community is mad that something clearly, to anyone not playing ignorance, was not intended to be that good got fixed. That a handful of people took advantage of it and got a head start.

Also, that “miles ahead” will grow smaller and smaller in no time. 1k vs 6k may be huge now but by the last few weeks I guarantee that gap wont matter for those who put in the time instead of spending their time on the forums complaining.

There are 92 days left and that gap wont matter in the long run. The community can cry and throw a fit all the want, but any sensible GM will read the post and see that it’s a false flag. My point stands, it’s not a big deal. People act like 92 days is not enough when raids not even on weekly lockouts for Remix will give up to 30k+ a clear. There is plenty of time to do everything, expecting to finish everything the first weekend of an event like this is silly.

And honestly, I feel no remorse for the people throwing tantrums on here. A small portion of the players having a slight boost in power early is not the end of the world and does not effect them.

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Good. Shut up and leave. Kthx


You must feel something if your coming on here and telling everyone to “Slow Down”

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Your wall of text implies quite the opposite.


Letting them release broken unfinished content for years and just saying “slow down they’ll fix theres plenty of time” is probably one of the reasons we’re here.

This is a limited time event of soemthing that has been released before. Years of excuses for them at this point.


I could get everything in Plunderstorm in about a week. I did it that quickly because I was off as I wasted my PTO on that event and didn’t know when it was ending so I wanted to be done before I went back to work. I also didn’t like the event and wanted to get done quickly.

With Remix, we know how long it’s running. We know what items are on the vendor. We also know roughly how much bronze we can acquire in a day. Taking basic math of the items you want to get, many realize they either have to farm all day and probably not hit their daily mark of bronze or not get everything they want. I figured it was something like a bit over 17.1k a day for 95 days to buy everything off the vendor assuming you have nothing which I’m sure many who started after MoP may very well facing. For me, I have many of the items from the event already, but I’d still need nearly 13k bronze every day for 95 days. I work 7 am to 7 pm 3-4 days a week (I rotate Wednesdays) and I calculated I can really only play for 50 days of the event. I’m taking a week off in July which I hoped would help my rate, but nope. My average per day goes from 13k bronze to a whopping 24.4k bronze. That’s excluding upgrading my gear. I’m stuck between upgrading my gear or buying the transmog/mounts I want, but to get the transmog I want, I need the gear to get into content that actually gives me the bronze rate I need per day. It’s a catch 22 and very tiring as it seems every expansion I find myself in it. I’m potentially looking at like 40k bronze a day to upgrade my gear (assuming I never get any drops) AND buy everything I want off the vendors.

Blizzard said in an interview with SoulSoBreezy you get like 5k bronze doing dailies for 2 hours. For me to hit 24.4k, I’d have to do dailies for 8-10 hours, except there aren’t that many dailies in Pandaria unless they’re including travel time. On the other side, they also said you can get 30k bronze from clearing mythic SoO. So I’d have to do mythic SoO for nearly every single day I can play. Okay, great. Good luck finding groups, though. Normal SoO nets you something like 11k from what I saw? If so, then I have to spend several hours in SoO on normal and then another 6 hours on top of that still doing dailies every day for 50 days. I’d then have to be aiming for achievements as I go to get bronze from the caches, too. Eventually, I’d run out of achievements forcing jumping to a new toon to repeat it all over again. If I end up having to farm 40k bronze a day (which I’m already behind on at this point), I’d have to do mythic SoO AND spend 4 hours doing dailies on top of that for 50 days. Or I’d have to do both mythic SoO and normal SoO in the same day. Who wants to do that? SoO is too big for that to be feasibly without scratching your eyes out or pulling out your hair.

I didn’t partake in the frog farm. I didn’t do it when MoP was current, either. I’m glad it was nerfed this time around, but they really failed to buff other sources to compensate. A measly 25% bonus to caches alone doesn’t equal a 40k+ per hour bronze acquisition rate the frogs give/gave. It also does nothing for those that already got caches that can’t be repeated on a toon. You’d have to start a new one. What’s going to happen to those that did partake in the frog farm? Nothing, I’m assuming, while the rest of us flounder looking for alternatives and are now so far behind the curve we’re under water.

Leveling doesn’t feel fast in the slightest. It feels the exact same to me as it did when MoP was current. Maybe it’s faster the second time or if I abused raiding to get the xp threads, but I’m not really holding my breath. Getting to 70 on a second toon I’m starting to put the brakes on because of repeating the exact same grind all over again to get the necklace, trinkets, and rings. I got one trinket on my first toon to 70, saw the damage scaling from mobs, and said screw it. I tried to do heroics while leveling on an elemental/resto shaman. I got kicked from a group as a healer because the tank kept getting one shot. I can’t heal one shots but I got kicked anyway. I wasn’t even going to try heroic scenarios. Screw that. I’m also not interested in trying raids with the scaling. I tried to do that stuff while leveling. Queue was either 1 hour or better as a DPS or I got kicked as a healer that can’t keep up. How is that supposed to be fun?

Then there’s the cloak of infinite lies. I was expecting the same cloak across all of my toons, not one to level up on the first toon and then effectively a static boosted starting one I have to level further every time on a new alt.

MoP Remix is more like Frog Remix or SoO Remix. Otherwise, it’s a Slog Remix. It’s tedious and boring, especially once you do the math and realize the rates of bronze you’re getting is nothing close to the rate of bronze you need to get to get what you want. It’s easy to get demoralized once you do the math. I ended up redoing my math and kicked out anything I can get on live. I still end up with needing 5k a day or 9.2k over the 50 days I can play. Much more manageable for what I know I can do without getting kicked thanks to crappy scaling or horrendous queues. It’s still a slog. The dailies are the same ones I did time and again when MoP was current. Doing them again only reminded me of how bored I got the last time.


Super informational post citing tons of reasons and the math on why this mode is flawed. Yet people will just saying you’re throwing a tantrum.

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I hope blizzard buffs the bronze gain from other things other than just nerfing the frogs.

the thing is though… aside from a few crafting related quest chains missing… and the whole gear and bronze currency for collectibles… its just same pandaria you can play in retail… except IMO it plays better in retail. scaling issues are part of the problem but not the ONLY problem.

I’ll be honest… with the way this mode is right now… if I didn’t still want those mounts and toys and a few transmogs? I would just be playing in retail rather then in remix.

30k a clear for MYTHIC. SoO. not any old clear, a very specific clear that is inaccessible for 99.99999% of the playerbase, especially since it requires gear upgrades that cost exorbitant amounts of bronze.

once again… some of us can do math.

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