You’re going to seriously release phase 2 with issues like these?

Due to blizzard’s artificial, cheaply-coded spell batching system, enemies can attack you while dead. As you can see, enemies can go from being incapacitated, to instantly dead, while still getting auto attacks off.

Enemies can attack you while incapacitated due to spell batching.

Enemies can attack you and cast abilities while stunned or otherwise CC’d due to spell batching.

Instead of rushing out phase 2, why don’t they rush out some bug fixes?


Who cares? Youre already dead. And stop shilling your youtube.


This is how it worked in Vanilla, so yes, this is how it’s going to release.


Already dead? What do you even mean by that?

This is normal. Ive killed so many rogues right as they landed a kidney shot in vanilla. Likewise with warriors falling over dead during a charge to a fireblast. Or mages getting the poly off to die as the other person turns into a sheep. That’s how it worked back then.

Learn to play around it. You have to apply your next cc BEFORE the old one ends.


This was not how it worked in vanilla. As a vanilla rogue, when a mob went from CC’d to CC’d, or CC’d to instantly dead, they did NOT have a window of opportunity to attack, cast spells or otherwise respond.

But what would a level 120 retail shrill know about it.

Look, I know you wanted your private server experience but this isn’t Nostalrius. You’re not going to get this changed, no matter how much crying you do.


How do you explain this then?

A mob is going from being CC’d (sapped) to CC’d (gouge), yet still has time to respond.

Chain CCing doesn’t work.

Because that’s spell batching. You don’t understand how it works, do you?

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You’re a retail player.

I never played private servers. Stopped playing after 2010.

You are tainted by your years of retail experience.

Don’t forget when you tame a pet. Your pet will “attack” itself as it’s swapping from red to green. Lol.

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I played Vanilla, you have no evidence that you did because you’re posting on your Classic character.

Notice how you’re the only one complaining about this? Yeah, the problem is you.

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You’re either a retail player or bought your level boost. Either way shows lack of experience in vanilla.

I don’t think you can gain honor when you’re dead. I can’t even grab loot when I’m dead.

This is authentic, sorry your Nostalrius experience wasn’t replicated. This isn’t “cheaply” coded, Blizzard spent a ton of time improving upon batching for WoD for a reason. 400ms batching is stupid, but it’s authentic.

Deal with it or quit.


He’s a retail troll that spends his entire days on the forum looking for people to troll, better to just ignore him. Edit: He thinks I got a forum ban because I stopped responding to his bait in other threads lulz. So not only does he troll, he trolls to get responses and reports them.

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Back from your vacation, good to see you again, level 17 hunter.

Mobs NEVER attacked you when they went from gouged to dead through backstab. It is an instantaneous death. In vanilla they went from being incapacitated to being dead.

This game however frees them before they die, so they have a window of opportunity to respond.

Imagine I have a paladin gouged. I go in for a backstab to finish him off, but while I backstab he stuns me for 6 seconds.

That did not happen in vanilla. Being CC’d turned off your ability to attack and/or cast spells.

when is phase 2 being released?

Galdor, post on your level 60 classic character and I’ll Venmo you $60. You obviously don’t even play the game.