Yogg-saron's possible return

Icecrown Citadel is built on saronite. It’s said that those who are in contact with saronite for too long hear Yogg-Saron’s whispers through them, and eventually go insane. So Yogg has some level of connection to his own blood. We also know he’s self proclaimed the god of death. Assuming he’s not just being edgy, that title must have come from somewhere, and it would lead us to believe that he had a deeper connection to the shadowlands than we think.

Perhaps Yogg-saron has invaded the Shadowlands in the past and gained the title of god of death by ruling over a realm, but was later dethroned and sent back to normal Azeroth.


I mean technically possible?

Thros does touch Ardenweld which is in someway connected to the Emerald Dream.

And Thros came from the Emerald Nightmare which originates from the Rift of Alm from Yogg’s blood.

So maybe?

I would think N’zoth also had deep ties there as well. And personally I don’t think N’zoth is gone, perhaps just an old physical body. But if Xal’atath is indeed an old god that was trapped in the dagger it shows they can transcend flesh.

Edit - I wish we had a class that was fully drawing it’s power from the void. It would give us a lot more insight into void and old god abilities. Shadow Priest and sorta Warlock barely scrape the surface of the void.


Likely Nzoth had sylvanas seal him in the dagger to save him from the azerite deus ex machina. Atleast thats my guess for 10.0

Maybe Yogg-Saron lives on in all of the saronite gear that got vendored around Northrend and Cataclysm zones.

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So… I crafted a bunch of Yogg then… a lot of Yogg daggers… oof

That might be consistent with another one of my theories; that all of Ny’alotha is just a ploy to get the blade of the black empire.

He would’ve watched us for years and knew we’d find a way to defeat him, given our successful track record, so the blade was a contingency.

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At this point they can do anything, considering they just twist past story elements to their fitting.

Sad but true. Wish they would put some effort to maintaining a story rather than just rewriting the past every time they have a “cool” new idea.

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Maybe the real Yogg was the Yogg we made along the way.


except… :raised_hand:

all old gods are DEAD according to lore.

It was all a ploy to get us to send him to the SL so he can corrupt it.

Yogg-saron isn’t dead though.

he’s… do some research… it’s sunday/monday-ish don’t make it more meme than it’s already.

here I feel nicer today

“Confirms that we’ve killed their forms, in the cases of Yogg’Saron and C’thun despite echoes of them still seeming to permeate the world.”

have a nice week.

N’Zoth definitely isnt gone.
The others however, im unsure of.
N’Zoth fully manifested, theres NO WAY he didnt put peices of himself away(Like Voldemort) in the event that he is defeated.

Ironic considering Death Knights wear Saronite armor because it has no affect on them due to undeath overriding their whispers.

I think BfA may have retconned this though…

Frankly, if we’re to believe that Blizz wants to retcon the notion that Yogg and C’thun are dead, even though there was no impact on Azeroth and there being evidence that C’thun could’ve been brought back, then we can believe that Blizz can retcon it back to the old gods not being dead.

Unless there’s new confirmation they are dead.

Sorry :man_shrugging:

Eventually we will find out on the next expansion light vs void or light expansion themed.

With Blizzard’s writing team, I fully expect evil Light to be a 1 patch villain.

This is Blizzard, they don’t care about what the wrote in the past they will simply retcon whatever they need to fit whatever narrative they have at the moment.

Pretty much. Blizzard’s view of morality is … skewed, to be generous. There’s baby-eating vantablack like all the usual vilanous suspects, and then there’s, “oops, also black, because white is for nerds!” You can’t make boss content out of “good,” and isn’t it just so subversive to make the good guys evil?

Again? And again? And again? And again? …

And it’s not just WoW. Blizzard’s horrendous, pathological nihilism is so powerful, they retconned the Xel’naga into gods just so they could kill them. Originally these were just the well meaning biologists who, yes, created the two premiere alien races of the franchise, but were not some deific super-elder race. Case in point, originally their creations drove off/destroyed them.

Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand “gray” morality isn’t “everything good is actually evil, on top of the evil we already have,” it’s, “there is no simple morality.” But, the Old Gods, the Legion, the Void, countless other villains… there’s no nuance or anything redeemable or admirable about anything any of them are, do, or seek to accomplish. They are simple and inarguable and direct. It’s just black with confused and muddy dark smudges. All contrast is lost, all definition dissolved, and all drama befuddled by how tedious it all is.

Oh boy, you mean the Light is actually evil? Haven’t heard this one before.

*Gag. *