Yogg-saron's possible return

Can someone here explain to me how throwing herself on saronite led Sylv to the Shadowlands/the Jailer? Pretty sure that the old gods are actually opposed to death and view it as “the enemy of all things”. So I don’t understand the connection…people used to speculate that Sylv was hearing the old god’s whispers and that this is why she went crazy and committed atrocities, but now we know that isn’t the case and that it was her interactions with the Jailer that led her to these things instead.

Yeah, every step of the way we were doing exactly what he wanted. Would be kind of ridiculous if the final step of doing exactly what he wanted lead to his actual death.

I doubt any of the Old Gods are actually dead for good. Except for maybe Y’shaarj, I guess.

It didnt. Sylvanas went to the Maw because she’s irredeemable.

I didn’t know about azshara’s enchantment, I had assumed N’zoth was just using proper sleight of hand in using Ny’alotha as a diversion to get it from us the player, We drop it during the gift cutscene so I had assumed he took it then

What if Yogg-Saron IS the maw? His alternative title is “the thousand MAWS of death”… What if it;s like Tartarus in Greek mythology and the entire Maw is just Yogg Saron’s one big mouth/body?

There was that tear in the emerald dream that we looted in addition to the corruption that hadn’t been removed.

Yogg is also seeming to be sentient once again in Uldir. I’m keeping my eyes peeled .

C’thun’s location was also stabbed by Sargeras and I’d like to wager it will be an upcoming thing as we are away in the Shadowlands.

There are still cultists and other fanatics running about.

Case at ya d would be the Scarlet bums passing out propaganda. I’d those scumbags are about, I definitely would like to think others are a scheming as well.

That’d be awesome. Lore breaking, but awesome!

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It would be very strange for the writers to make a big deal of thr Old Gods being fully purged from Azeroth only to turn around and immediately bring them back.

After Legion and BfA, the expectation has been set that, for better or worse, we’ve wiped the slate clean and are moving to something new.

saronite is his blood yes but black rock ore from draenor is titan forge blood its the blood of a being called grond.

I like it , there should be an expansion where we use saronite armor to enpower ourselves , and to stop the madness it would inflict upon us ,we would have to farm legendary boots up to rank 20

Blizz still has to explain why Azeroth didn’t blow up if we truly killed them.

The Tribunal of Ages only said the host would die if the Old Gods were excised.

Y’Shaarj being removed caused a gaping wound in Azeroth that had to be stabilized.

Ripping out the other Old Gods would have had the same effect. Furthermore the Titan Keepers upon removing the Old Gods’ heads discovered smaller heads underneath them.

What the Titan Keepers did not know was that those smaller heads were the manifestation of the Old Gods’ minds.

Stabbing the Old Gods’ minds before they regrow their heads will kill them. Of course the Titan Keepers did not know that and just assumed these heads were a sign that the Old Gods will regrow no matter how many times they decapitate them and outright removing them is the only method of killing them.

Of course once N’Zoth escaped his prison and regrew his head he became so powerful that only Re-Origination(which would devastate the entire planet) could kill him. He of course fled to Ny’alotha and got Re-Originated there taking Ny’alotha with him.

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