Ny'alotha was a ploy to get the blade of the black empire

N’zoth had been watching the heroes of Azeroth and knew that Azshara would underestimate them. He’d anticipated that the heroes would defeat Azshara and therefore rob Azshara of her opportunity to kill N’zoth with the blade of the black empire as he’s freed from his prison. He takes Azshara and attempts to obtain take the blade, as it’s the only weapon that can harm him, but she encases it in powerful magic that can only be removed if she willingly gives it away. N’zoth then hands Azshara over to Xanesh, who would torture her until she’d surrender the blade. However, Azshara’s will was too strong, and so he invited the heroes of Azeroth into Ny’alotha.

Almost nothing inside Ny’alotha is real. Merely a vision. N’zoth knew Azshara would make a deal in exchange for the dagger. So once the heroes freed her, she’d hand the dagger to Wrathion. N’zoth then created a fake vision of himself, then staged a fight that required Wrathion to use the dagger. That’s how N’zoth would get the dagger back. The blade is far more powerful than any mortal would know how to fully utilize.


Sounds legit.

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Now this is pod racing!


I mean the patch is literally called “VISIONS of N’zoth”

Visions of Ramkahen, Vale, Org, and SW all corrupted

Nyalotha as said by the EYE man himself … a vision made real.

Plus the lame end cinematic that didn’t give us any hint of the future

The prevailing theory is that someone or something will attack Azeroth while we are in the Shadowlands, and while I feel ActiBlizzard has done their best to shoehorn as much of the outstanding " threats " we have left into the recent expansions just to be done with them…

I feel N’zoth / Void Lords are those threats.

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N’zoth tricking us into thinking we killed him is pretty much the only way he could be redeemed as a villain.

Because the alternative is that the old god behind a significant amount of Azeroth’s woe, from the Black Empire to the creation of Naga to corruption of Deathwing, got released and immediately got kamehameha’d, like a DBZ Villain, except we didn’t even give him the diginity of charging it for three seasons in a row.

And that’s just too sad to think.


Azshara: Tells Nzoth no
Deathwing: wait…you can…DO THAT?


I believe in my lord N’zoth
I am his chosen!

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Id love to think that. But after “morally grey” i don’t have faith that the current writing team can pull that off. Seriously they’ve inspired me to write. Because it’s baffling that they pay the writing team. The story in bfa was trash.
Another alliance are teh good guys. Horde is bad. Yet another horde city raided. Just trash


Submit your work to Blizz, 100 gold what you come up with is better then whatever their planning on pulling out next

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Just sounds like a giant bait and switch. Really boring.

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Maybe I’m imagining it but I felt like it was kinda implied that Deathwing was essentially a corpse and N’Zoth was using his body like a puppet, as his voice would fluctuate between deathwings and N’Zoths in the encounter.

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Ehhh its sorta like that but maybe not that literally

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Id have to seriously bone up on my wow lore. Been more of a warhammer 40k and battletech dude myself.

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That Blade story beat, as short as it was, was for me one of the most intriguing parts of all of BFA; i was like: “yes, talk more in that sultry tone to me…”

Reminded me of a TESV:Skyrim quest about Mephala’s daedric artifact; the Ebony blade; which also spoke to it’s user via a sexy female voice.


Good news, Warcraft was based off Warhammer, they just changed enough stuff to avoid a lawsuit

You’ll bring back the roots.

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I can definitely see that; Warhammer did so many things first, as did Dungeons & Dragons.

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