Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

You can block them when you get a request. Have you just never used battletags or what?

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the other blizzard forums us battle tags, this one should.

if my btag is annalolqt#xxxx all it would show is annalolqt

I’m ok with that. I’d be ok with it showing the whole thing.

I don’t think it’s paraonid since it has happened to someone else.

I’ve never seen an option for Block only Accept / Reject

It’s there, along with report and dismiss.

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I see! That was in the thread I linked :heart:

I usually just go




I have a way better hot take on this than yours, OP.

You’re allowed to pick one and only one character to use for forum posting every 3 months.

Generic battletag forum avatars are bland, boring, they don’t show case characters & only serve as unpaid advertising for the company


I’m curious why all the other forums use BattleTags but this one doesn’t.

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Do the other forums have an RPG aspect?

Overwatch certainly doesn’t :rofl:
Are their CoD forums? Those wouldn’t.
Diablo would be my only guess but I’ve never played Diablo so :person_shrugging:
WoW has an RPG element though, we are our characters.

Idk its weird. I get it but I don’t.

If that’s really the only reason, that’s a bit weak. They could easily include our BattleTags as part of our info, along with our character name, guild, post count and whatever that number is to the right of our level/species/class designation.

Using BattleTags doesn’t have to disrupt RP at all, ever. I vote we use BattleTags here on the forums to cut down on the trolling, so long as there’s options for us to control the communications we get in-game regarding BattleTags.


I don’t think they’ve ever said, that’s just me guessing.

I’m against using BTags here because of the possibility of them containing personal info. I still say use a new system or Pharazon’s system.

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I’m not a fan of that approach because it limits you from deleting a character, forces people to pick a main, and limits how often they can change it. What I would support is being told to pick a character and use that as my BattleTag. So then I’d be Khoshek12345 or whatever for my BattleTag.

Whether I deleted Khoshek or not would be irrelevant. I’d be stuck with that BattleTag unless I paid for a name change, at which point I’d have to pick another toon. That way, unless you’re dumb enough to name a toon JimJones49nCA or something, BattleTags couldn’t contain identifying info.


This is also acceptable :+1:


Please re-read that and think about it. This isn’t like someone randomly accidentally typing a password into something on a random site. (Which also is a bad idea, but mistakes happen.) This is a site saying “Tell me your passwords!!!” At which point, you don’t need the site to tell you if your password is compromised because you are compromising your password right then by entering it at all. :woman_facepalming:

Kind of like all those Facebook “quizzes” which want you to answer questions telling your birthday, the town you grew up in, your mom’s name, your fill-in-all-the-other-answers-to-the-questions-sites-use-as-security-questions… all so they can tell you what Harry Potter character you are or something else equally dumb.

So if you have told this site all your passwords so they can do some non-existent “check” on them, you really should change all your passwords. Because NOT TELLING RANDOM STRANGERS YOUR PASSWORDS is caring about your security online.

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This makes zero sense, but ok dude, don’t use it :person_shrugging: Holy :poop:

damn pharazon…
thats a nice rock! so lucky!

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Most likely they don’t want to spend the money on converting it.