Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

Ah yep, that would explain it lol.

Works for me. Suggestions like that are not combative. Thanks

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Random IDS? That’s a bit weird, imagine being like hey 1818328282 you’re wrong.


It could still be a name, they already have a database of names that we pull from when creating characters. Extend that to the forums.

Yes, but what about the other forums? Do we seriously have to change everything? And what if we get a stupid name we don’t like, like FlyingAllegator?

What about when they give Jenny the id 8675309 then we’re back to the the doxxing? :dracthyr_crylaugh:.



Maybe the reference was a little too old ha.


What’s the problem with displaying someone’s full BattleTag beneath their character’s level, species, and class designation? Assuming of course they weren’t foolish enough to use their full name or other “doxxing” info.


Why do we have to change the other forums too?

What do you dislike more, stupid name or trolls?

Click the random name button again until you get a name you like :person_shrugging:

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Assuming no one in Wow had identifiable info in their BNet name, people harassing you. I don’t want you guys ever talking to me in game :laughing: Not ever, not “Hello Kaurmine”, not nothing lol.

People can do that right now. Send you mail and track what you’re doing with the friends list too. At least with battletags you can just deny their friend request and never see their messages.


Only on a per character basis and you can only see me in Wow, not the other games I play.

You’d have to accept someones friend request for them to see what games you play outside of WoW. You can just, you know, not do that.


Didn’t they have this for a bit and it just… No one wanted it?

No. They were going to do RealID which is real names and they backed down. They never did battletags for WoW forums, but all of their other forums use them.


And spend the rest of my days declining friend requests? No thanks :laughing:
I wish I could block friend requests, can you do that? Maybe I should submit that as a suggestion because when I play Overwatch I get friend requests from time to time and it’s annoying having to decline them.

I don’t believe for a second that you would “spend the rest of your days” needing to deny friend requests from people on the forums. Nobody is going to make multiple battle.net accounts to spam you with friend requests, thinking otherwise is pretty paranoid.


Why would they need to do that? Why can’t they just send another request?