Any way to stop abusive friend requesting?

I’ve had this happen twice now in the time I played competitive Overwatch, so I figured I’d ask on here (sorry if this isn’t the correct area, I wasn’t sure where else to put it).

Basically I had a game where one of the team members were very toxic and used abusive words, being generally nasty, etc. When I told them to please stop they proceeded to try and add me as their friend over and over again, through out the entire time I was playing. I had to keep ignoring it or refuse request, even after I blocked them. This sort of behavior has happened more then once now.

Is there no way to stop people from doing that? Am I missing a button or action to make it so they can’t keep spamming add? It’s pretty crappy to have people like that in our game.

Thank you


Setting a block (not Avoid as Teammate) should prevent that user from attempting to send you a friend request, remember if the user entry says “Unblock” this means you already have them blocked in your social menu.


Correct, as Wyoming has said. Right+click and Block will prevent all communication from them.

I do this for people who repeatedly spam Join Group requests, too.

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Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. (Sorry I tried replying to both of you for thanks, but it wont let me do it, or not sure how).

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A cleaver way is to quote both bosts. Highlight the text of each post you want to quote and click on the " Quote button that appears.

I just found this post when googling after a guy did this to me, except I did block him and the spam kept coming through for at least 10 minutes. I even unblocked and re-blocked him to make sure. Does the system just take a while to recognize a block, or does it no longer work?

Also this guy spent several minutes threatening me in voice chat beforehand. But guess what his endorsement rating was…4. I reported him but I doubt anyone else did bc most people don’t care. Just more proof that Blizz’s “moderation” tools amount to basically nothing in this game.

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Disable friend request notifications in the social tab in Options.

You’ll never have to see all the annoying pop ups or be alerted.

You can still access your friend requests if you got the the friend request section to decline/accept it. But at least it prevents the spam from popping up on your screen and you can avoid people who abuse it


thank you so much! <3

A post was split to a new topic: Glitchplease - abusive friend request / player name