Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

You asked me. Your post looks to be more and more combative and trolling.

If Blizzard allows us to change Battletag names before implementation, the Battletag could not be used to trace back to real life information.

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Well, tell me this, who are the people you are concerned that can’t protect themselvez?

It’s not :slight_smile:

This is assuming 1) People change their BNet and 2) They don’t make it something that still reveals their personal info.

How can I answer that?
Do you want specific people?
Types of people?
Or can I answer with a question, “Do you think that there are exactly 0 people who are not capable of handling themselves online and IRL in case some psychopath shows up at their house?”.

Well just what types of people and why.

This seems like a strange question but my answer would be “people that can’t protect themselves”.

Same could happen with Toon names.

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Well who can’t protect themselves? It’s not a weird question. It’s just a genuine question.

It could!
I addressed this earlier I believe :thinking:
I know one person in Discord whose character name, is her Discord name, and is her Twitter name. I didn’t go through her twitter to see what she posts though so idk if that’s a problem for her.

But the answer to the question is in the question?
Who can’t protect themselves? People that can’t protect themselves.
That’s why I think it’s weird.

Then using battletag is not a problem. Again, we can’t fix stupid.

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Nope, sure can’t, but we can try to protect those who are stupid from themselves :smiley:

I have been saying that for years.

Hamstar! You’re a hunter, is your pet named Hamtaro?

Using battletags would not cause any problem, same as a toon name.

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You can’t know that.

No, but my druid is named Hamster.

Nice, how long have you had that Druid? Seems like that name would have been taken.

It is only my opinion. I think you are making something out of nothing just to be combative. Make me wonder what your alternative goals for preventing a system that combats trolls.

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Day 1 of vanilla and then day 1 of Drak Tharon.

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I’m combative because I have a different opinion?

Can I consider you combative then?

How about another system?
How about Blizz randomly generate IDs for people :slight_smile:
That will do the same thing that you want.

Or what the person linked above

Why must it be this one?

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