Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

Well I mean think about it, technology is improving everyday so I’m sure Blizzard can add some protection for those nervous. Besides, if you don’t like the bnet idea then don’t go on any forums.

They’d have to give people a randomly generated name :laughing:
You let people write in what they want and someone is going to put their whole social security number :rofl:

Now for whoever is putting down their social security they need fo be taken off the internet. Go on the OW forums, it works fine there I’m starting to wonder if you’re nervous for yourself. Because everyone that has commented has no problems with thos other than you, so this is obviously going go be implemented one day or another because every blizzard forum has bnet enabled idc whats added just as long as it precenfs spam and aicu beaides look at all the freedom we have on heee im sure someone put down teir social security

They don’t, they will be stupid with identity whether we use battletags or not.

then they deserve whatever comes next- just like the people that used to use password as their password… damn i miss aol, lol.

“Nothing bad has happened yet”

Nah, my Bnet is my old mains name.

So do you think I’m the only one on Earth who would have a problem with it?

I don’t think so, they tried before they can try again :person_shrugging:

Changing peoples names won’t prevent spam though?

So are you saying we should have no protections at all for them?

Not what I’m saying lol, what I’m saying is restrict it to one character and one account" I mean if you have a problem with it then don’t go on the forums, there’s no need to argue with me because you don’t know how to keep yourself safe on the internet.

This sounds like
“If you don’t like Wow then quit, stop asking for changes”

You are determined to make this about me :rofl:

You gave me a lot of examples about you, so.

No? I’m just saying it’s just a user name lol, why are you arguing with me on this? You’re getting combative with me over something that might not even happen. I’m just saying changes need to happen I’m sorry that you feel like having a battle net USER NAME makes you insecure. Are you concerned about your safety onm facebook when you talk about how you live in virgina?

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Never said that

I don’t get what he’s not understanding. It’s just a user name, if you go on the Overwatch forums you can’t find anything out about anyone.

And I explained why so?

I think I’ve explained myself quite well.

There is no combative, you made a point, I made points against :person_shrugging:

I agree! Not the ones you want but I agree :smiley:

Making it about me again :rofl:

Nope, as I said

Then what did you mean?

I don’t get what you’re not understanding, people have personal information in their user names :person_shrugging:

Who else am I supposed to make this about? You’ve proven time again, and again that you obviously can’t keep yourself safe on the internet. I can’t make this about everyone because I don’t know everyone,

No, the only thing you’ve explained is how scared you are of having a battle net name on here. Nobody’s saying anything about Real ID, just your user.

Yes, but on any site you go on and make an account, they tell you to not put personal information, so technically that is on you.

so you’re ok with random people from the forums coming to your house?

People that can’t protect themselves.

And I’ve said time and time again it’s not about me, why won’t you listen to that?

And I’ve said time and time again it’s not about me, why won’t you listen to that?

Neither am I?

So we shouldn’t care then? Screw’em?

No? You should put more consideration and logical thought into naming yourself. Either change it or keep it, simple as that. It’s your choice to care about them, not ours.

No, I hear what you’re trying to say, but you’ve said yourself you named yourself something personal, so technically you are making this about yourself when you’re giving examples of things you said. We can’t speak for everyone that needs to be protected.

Rigatoni’s hot-take is just luke-warm re-heated leftovers from all of the same meals we have been served for years. But I must admit… his meal is still delicious.

(The food reference = using battle-tag names on the forums in this horrible analogy of mine)

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I believe I told you my name is my old mains name.

So screw them? :rofl:
I’m sure Blizz’s PR team will like that.

I’m making it about people that do that, it’s not about me because as I’ve said twice now I can protect myself, I’m concerned with the people who can’t protect themselves.

We can’t speak for anyone but we can try to protect them :slight_smile: