Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

Who me???

No, Farfelle and Linguini might though


No, Snikrot thinks I’m talking from personal experience.

Just saying, throw one pumpkin at my head this year and I’ll . . . I’ll


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Yeah, I’m not worried about all my toons. I don’t really care anyways, if I get harassed I get harassed, I’d prefer not being harassed but my whole life doesn’t revolve around wow.


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^These ideas are great.

I want to be able to change characters when a different one is more relevant to the thread.


That’s normal and you don’t need to wear any pants to do anything here . Pantless runs is a tradition ingame as well :sunglasses:

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I had like over a 100 pumpkin saved. I used to do that to one person in the Guild over and over each week.

I thought it was harmless fun, but I never really spoke to this person. I just did it

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nice gif. battletags ain’t gonna stop trolling i vote your real name the only solution to trolling. i personally don’t mind trolling the forums would be dead without it i just don’t like t squad trolls.

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Dang. I don’t have any characters on your server.

/wonders if it’s worth making a character and leveling it to throw pumpkins at Sunzsu

Yeh, pretty much. I’d be in agreement with this.

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Question: do forum offenses have consequences for one’s gaming account? If you get temporarily banned here, does it mean you can’t play for that time, either?

No, the forums and in game are separate involving actions.

You’ll never find me!

No. Both forums and game are separated. Let’s say I am silenced on here, that means, I am not silenced in game. But I think eventually if you’re really bad, you can get be punished here and in-game.

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It might not be a bad thing if the punishments were connected.


That’s what I was going to say. I’ll bet forum violations would slow way down if a violation here had a penalty across one’s game accounts, especially for those who play multiple Blizz games.


I’d have three silences in-game lol if those were real. 1 from actual in-game two from forums. But anywho, I think this is a bit of a problem,

Probably not. I’ve too many alts as it is. It would be way too much trouble to hunt you down and pumpkin you.