Yo, Blizzard. Stop nerfing healers and trying to make healing an e-sport

Don’t healers just click on people and heal them? I don’t know any of the addons or shortcuts I do it the old fashioned way, like a man.

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Same reason the tank role is so sought after.

More people want to pewpewpew.

Healing has a vastly different gameplay loop than dps. So it attracts fewer people.

Many healers want to be carried and adored for just existing.

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I am envious of your groups. The last dungeon I healed was a darkheart, where one dps stood in front of the dragon boss, and another soaked the swirlies on Xavius, and both yelled at me when they died. Yea I’ve had good groups too, but the bad ones are so bad they make me not want to heal again.


It’s so hard to know what to soak though. Some things you stand in and others you have to dodge. Some things are also harder to see with the color scheme and having to play minigames to keep your rotation up.

All those little flashy lights everywhere in addons and stuff and countdowns and timers… an F-35 is probably easier to fly.

Padgarre demands Blizzard back off their tiny burst window design!

Blizzard: Isn’t it so fun to align everything to a 3.5 second window yaaaay! Here have two more hehe.

Healing in general isn’t a popular role in any game.

Vanilla through Dragonflight

When I played Dark Ages finding healers was hard.

When we play D&D (older editions) hard to get anyone to want to play a class with heals.

Smacking bad guys is a more common fantasy archetype than healing your allies.

It’s also why in a 20 man you only need 4 healers and you have 14 dps.

I like that my role is rare because I like instant invites to everything. I don’t feel like healing is difficult, nor do I feel like it’s hard to do DPS while healing. Overall, I feel very powerful, even though my spec isn’t considered meta. I’ve been able to PUG +27 keys, and I’m sure if I played meta spec I’d get invited into even higher PUG keys, but I really just enjoy playing Holy. Not getting into even higher and higher keys also helps me to play less keystones and focus more on world content and other stuff I like to do anyway.


As far as “killing the pug community goes…” on the other hand, when you have one healer that vastly outshines the rest, that also kills the pug community (at least on higher end keys) when players only start accepting S tier healers and declining other capable classes/players because “muh meta.”

MWs absolutely needed to be toned down, OR the underperforming classes brought up (which is what they actually should of done) instead, they gutted MW, and handed out random 5% nerfs to rdruid and rsham. Meanwhile, this doesn’t solve the actual problems of the under performing classes.

All healers lose here really.


They’ve normalized the soak animations back in Legion.

Big large pulsing sorta upside down tornado is a group soak.

Pulsing circles that end pulsing when 1 person stands in them is an individual soak.

Flat areas on the ground are bad things move out.

It’s pretty rare to have any exceptions to that. The flower soak I guess on Nymue is kind of unique.

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I’ve done hundreds of keys in DF and can count the timers the healer was blamed (whether I’m healing or on my tank or dps alts) I could count on one hand.

Even if some of the groups are awful and disband it’s been extremely rare to see the healer blamed.

Anecdotal be anecdotal.

Yeah I guess that’s true, but sometimes I’m so hyperfocused on the boss I don’t notice the ground as easily. I also don’t have the game super zoomed out like people with 2k to 4k monitors seem to making the game look like Diablo. I don’t know why Blizzard removed the zoom out camera follow option from the game in settings.

I wish this information was more user friendly in being dispersed to the playerbase.


I don’t have a hard time healing, even up in the 20+ range so I don’t personally mind healers being nerfed at all.

That’s from a hardcore player perspective. From a less hardcore perspective I can see how this is an issue. I can also see how suddenly having mana problems, less HPS, and whatnot will cripple maybe 5%-10% of the groups I run with.

I edited the second line to individual soak (typing is too hard for me).

I’m not sure what they can do, maybe the first few times people see it I can understand it not being intuitive, but it’s used like that over and over and over.

This expansion the large group soak animation is in:

Primal Council

Maybe more I am forgetting.

He’s already stated that he doesn’t do keys, nor does he heal raids above LFR.

I dont know.

Maybe something with follower dungeons that have a tutorial mode and incorporates a more direct approach to breaking down the different circles.

I really dont know what the ideal solution is. In a previous expansion I would say implementing it in proving grounds (since it was once semi-required to do)


Going into a “for fun” season with the first change being a healer nerf is an interesting choice to say the least.


I don’t use 2k. Most including myself use dynamic cam which makes you zoom out like that.

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The main reason I don’t heal is cause it’s usually so boring. I had a ton of fun playing Augmentation though in season 2 as that was a cool new support role. Imo support roles could use more love in design to make them more appealing and fun.

Probably a lot of people that love it the way it is though and would get mad if their fav spec got changed too much. Wouldn’t mind another dps/healer hybrid like Disc.

i mean asking for it to be harder. i mean.

mine goes up. but dmg goes down. funny how it can work.