Yo, Blizzard. Stop nerfing healers and trying to make healing an e-sport

I’ll keep healing on my resto shaman, provided I keep playing the game in S4 – really not sure right now, especially since various of my friends won’t play.

But nerfs like these make me much less likely to want to heal in random groups. It’s in those less coordinated groups were nerfs to throughput and mana hurt the most, because that’s where healers need to compensate for the group the most.

The possible counter argument that the developers balance the game for high-level coordinated groups doesn’t have much substance, either. A look at comps at +28 and up shows that they don’t do this (I can’t judge mythic raiding, but it’s probably the same there).

Much of the frustration comes the lack of communication and dialogue. We have little to no input, we’re not really talked to. It’s very much a one-way relationship.

As a player of a Non-Preferred Class, you essentially have to hope that your class designer gets promoted so that someone else with more passion and excitement for your class/spec takes over.


People begged for healing to be harder. Absolutely begged.

If anything the “casual” player begged the hardest here on the forums.


You mean Sanguine, i hate that stupid freaking afflix, it is so damn annoying to have to move the mobs every few seconds.

Eh? I don’t remember ever asking for healing to be harder?


" I dont want to be expected to dps. I am here to only heal. Every one of my GCDs should be about healing"

That can only happen if healing becomes harder.

If you are asking to remove DPS downtime so that you have to only heal, that can only be done if you make healing take up so much of your time you dont have time to DPS. As in, make it harder.


I’m sorry, you believed the trolls and outliers somehow spoke for everyone? lol


Yes, they begged for it when we did not have talents. But they brought both together and now they can’t figure out how to balance it. S1 set was mainly picked because it doesn’t force us to play around it.

The same people who begged in FF14 and got it. Then got to watch 50% of their groups fail healer checks thanks to the type of players healers attract.

Seriously, if one role in this game deserves an easy mode it’s healers. I get why some folks “hate” that idea but is it really so bad for the general populace?


I didnt say they spoke for everyone.

All I said is that there were people begging for it. Very very vocally. And they werent the “high end” ones that people typically want to blame.

S1 was also picked because many people didnt understand how tier sets worked or their resto shaman spells worked.

S2 at least allowed you to have build diversity.

S1 is not only the most boring/bland, but will continue to push people into exactly 1 build.

I dont see why anyone deserves an easy mode?

I mean, I don’t want to be useless. And my primary job should be healing. But I don’t want it to be easy nor difficult. I want it to be meaningful. So a middle ground, maybe?

I’m thinking more throughput optimization. All classes need it really. Something to where a “less capable” player could push 70%-80% proficiency at 50% of the effort (Numbers may vary).

We have talents back so that could easily be a solution. Unfortunately, we’re all such meta obsessors that seeing 80% throughput could easily lead to a kick if things aren’t going well.

So technically we have the solution already. It just won’t enable that person to any comfortable degree. I’m not even really sure the whole talent efficiency applies to healers either. It’s not like you can get a smart heal that will heal a dangerously low target for twice the mana versus an on-demand at half the mana.

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I’d say for many classes its already there.

You can put in 50% of the effort of a high end player and still progress quite far.

You can do absolutely no dps as a healer, which means often standing around and doing absolutely nothing. Heal inefficiently, and still get 20s done.

You dont typically have to worry about a tank that often. And mostly play whackamole with dps healing.

My issue with it is that for once the solution is buff holy paladin and call it day, not tuning knob down everyone else. And not just any buff to holy paladin its revert previous nerfs so it isn’t the abomination it is now. Fated season class tuning is already a weird enough thing as is considering that it is basically a victory lap season with no prog so any change that makes it harder is unwelcome.



The healer role almost becomes redundant in higher keys because taking avoidable damage as a dps just 1 shots you.

There is some cooldown planning (just like dps), but the healer roll tbh gets easier in high keys (for the healing aspect).

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My HPS for a dungeon typically goes down the higher my key is.


Healers should be the last ones to get nerfed because they’re the glue that holds pugs together when a tank pulls too much, or dps dont kick/cc, or anyone ignores/screws up mechanics. Nerfing healers just kills the pug community more because less and less people will want to group with randos. Who wants to listen to some smooth brain rant at you because they got gloabled by not interrupting/using defensive/standing in bad, but since you’re the healer its 100% your fault if someone dies.


I dont remember the last time I got yelled at in a pug as a healer.

PUGs today act like healers can do no wrong. I get “good healing!” compliments after pug dungeons that I did horrible.

This mindset of “always blame the healer” died out 5 years ago. Its the opposite now.

You have to REALLY be bad in order for someone to even make a passive aggressive comment.


Same, healing gets easier because for the most part one of the below is going on:

Damage is trivial

Cooldowns are planned for the pack or boss phase

Most avoidable damage 1 shots everyone so there is minimal avoidable damage to heal.


Yep. When avoidable damage isnt as bad (in lower keys), the amount of people that just soak the damage gets more frustrating.

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So how come the healer role is so sought after when trying to get a PUG together?

I don’t think it’s a role popularity issue when you see many threads made by healers saying how awful the role is for them.