Yo, Blizzard. Stop nerfing healers and trying to make healing an e-sport

How would they go about it though? Almost anything that causes problems for tanks and DPS indirectly impacts healers too.

It’s why I stopped healing after SL tbh. They make healing kind of miserable in making it harder. We already have to deal with tons of damage and affixes in keys.

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This is what’s wrong with it, yes it’s a competitive game, however it’s should be attainable and easy for casual players NOT THE STREAMERS WHO CAN DO END GAME BY PLAYING 8 HOURS A DAY. The end game which is mythic raid, high keys dungeons and etc should be attainable by casual players who pays and keep them running

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Agreed! This kind of nerfing are what’s wrong with this game and the people thinking the end game should be really hard. Yes it’s a competitive game, however the end game should be attainable and easy for casual players NOT THE STREAMERS WHO CAN DO END GAME BY PLAYING 8 HOURS A DAY. The end game which is mythic raid, high keys dungeons and etc should be attainable by casual players who pays and keep them running for a long while now. IMAGINE IF ALL PLAYERS WHO PLAYED THIS GAME STARTING FROM THE BEGINNING WOULD STOP THEIR SUBSCRIPTION AND SEE WHAT BLIZZARD DO TO GAIN YOUR HARD EARN MONEY BACK.

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I love you

20s are doable by pretty much anyone who wants to apply themselves and mythic raiding, while more exclusive, only offers 6 more ilvl on a few specific slots compared to heroic / vault rewards from m+.

Hard content is already only for clout, casual players can get near enough max ilvl doing content as long as they’re willing to take something on that’s at least somewhat challenging. You don’t need to play 8 hours a day to do well in this game, not even close.

Even in a mythic guild people did 4~ keys a week and raided 3x 3hours to down Fyrakk over 2 months ago. That’s, maybe 12 hours a week total.


Every time I get mildly interested in healing all healers across the board get nerfed.

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Agreed. I used to really like healing too. Now i refuse to even have a class with a heal spec. Thats a big no from me.

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I’ll be honest, at this rate I am going to get KSH and my raid mount for S4 (maybe log in sporadically to get enough coins to get slime kitty from SL), and then focus on Cata Classic and Pandemonium when it comes out.

I have no intention of pushing all 6 healers to 2k-2.5k rating like I usually do each season. I’ll get one to 2.5k, curtsey, and dip.

One day they’ll learn how to balance between Raid and M+. Clearly it’s not today, but one day hopefully.

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LFR, lol…its supposed to be ‘easy’ but when players have no clue what theyre doing and die to the same easy mechanix 3 times in a row, you start thinking maybe M+ might be an easier game given the more skilled players youre grouped with, lol

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Is gear really so heavily gated by rng that you need to play for 8 hours a day for two weeks to be in the end game? If so, then yeah that does suck.

I kind of enjoyed the system in BfA that let me buy a slot to upgrade my ilevel via those vendors for M+.

Healers are barely needed for a ton of bosses and pulls this season if your dps can press their buttons.

The top keys are running no healer for half the run.

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I stopped healing after that Molten Heart bs Blizz pulled.

No, resto shaman voted for the best tier set out of the 3. I’ll take the (essentially 100%) +10% crit all day over either of the tier bonuses. Resto shaman damage is pretty bad in m+, and the only one that helps that is tier 1. Healing is not the issue.

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When i saw that the mechanix in even heroic dungeons were making healers having to hop all over the place I said screw it.
Im not trying to keep a group alive while disco or break dancing lmao.
Its annoying enough having to deal with two DPS players butt pulling everything in the room, whle the tank is running like he’s on fire pulling everything else.
I play to enjoy myself, as the OP said, not be annoyed.
If blizzard wants to let me HEAL again, dealing with PLAYER issues and not keep throwing hokey crap at me to keep me from being able to deal with the list of player mistakes that already keep me busy, maybe I’ll heal current content again.
That is, assuming they also arent nerfing heals into the dirt.

Im personally convinced they are trying to phase out the healing role entirely and theyre trying to make it so irritating that enough people quit, and then they are (feel, anyway) justified in taking the game in a different direction

I think one of the healers on the dev team must have spit in ions coffee or something cuz this xpac has been brutal for healers lol.


I pretty much believe that Hunters cannot respec and the removal of Beholder as a customization for Felstalker is to appease PVP players because they want to easily tell the difference between pet abilities based on the sillhoute.

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i’m 80% sure the tuning was targeted at raid and not m+, though i still think the rsham nerf is odd

my problem with the nerf is how late it’s coming. should have been earlier so people could test s4 more with it in place

13% is pretty chunky but i think rdruid will be fine, rsham cant really say much

It’s amazing how everything you just wrote is wrong.

10% crit may have been good in S1, but it isn’t even noticeable with the level of crit you can obtain in S4.

The loss of 25% riptide healing is very, very noticeable.

Resto shaman damage isn’t bad at all; I am thinking this just must be a skill issue. Maybe it’s my darn near 20 years of experience with the class, but I pump damage with Rshaman, especially compared to other healers and I play every healer to a minimum of 2k most seasons (unless the season gets boring fast).

I hit KSH with shaman pretty easily in S3 before any buffs went out and back when they were rated D tier. Shaman will survive and be perfectly capable, so I will agree that healing isn’t the issue, but the Tier 1 bonus is complete crap. 10% crit is very blegh; 20% more crit damage/healing is also very blegh.

After the weekly for mythic dungeons like two weeks ago I decided to go ahead and get KSM on my disc priest with no experience in M+ with the class. As of yesterday it’s done.

Healing isn’t that stressful if a nub like me can pick it up and pug to 2k in three weeks at the season’s end.