Yo, Blizzard. Stop nerfing healers and trying to make healing an e-sport

Its like Blizzard woke up and decided that healers weren’t already stressed out enough.

No wonder healers are not only the least played role but their numbers keep dropping.

I play games to chill out. Not be more stressed out than my job.


I don’t think Wow is chill content after heroic dungeons.

Maybe for some, but I am not good enough to think anything at mythic 0 level to be a cakewalk with friends.

I neither have the cake nor friends.

Basically, if you are doing any “difficult” content, you should be prepared for this as a healer. The easiest way to make content difficult is to either make it hit harder, or you heal less. And Blizzard is all about having healers take the blame for being poorly skilled vs demands for content nerfs


I choose not to do M+ when i realized that trash pulls are harder and more stressful than the bosses


I edited my comment because I didn’t really say much on topic the first time.

But I feel ya. I hate M+ because that timer is an added stressor I don’t care for. I can do them sure. But I hate it


Yeah. The timer annoys me as well.

I can meet the tine requirements. I just choose not to participate as putting a timer brings out the worst out of players.


I think the problem with the difficulty modifiers in this game (mostly in mythic+) is that they really only put more stress on the healer’s role, while nothing really changes that much for the other roles in the group.

There should be other ways to increase the difficulty of content without it mostly just making things more stressful for the healer.


The wowhead healing guide writers keep saying healers are overpowered, so Blizzard keeps nerfing them.

Maybe boycott wowhead or something if you want change? I dunno.


More evidence confirming I was right to never have any interest in healing.


I’ve been accidentally boycotting them for years apparently


You do LFR and heroic dungeons, how stressed can you be?

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this is normal wow dev stuff for you. there been tryin to make wow a e-sport for years and only lessen to the top .01%

feels like there politicians at times, lol


Honestly I’ve been more stressed in LFR runs than heroic raids

Heroic, people generally know what they’re doing. LFR? Its an absolute gamble


There’s no real communication, either. What’s the reason for nerfing resto shamans? It’s not even a meta healer and it has low representation in M+. It just feels random.

I regret that I started playing again last year, actually. It’s the all too familiar situation where I feel some of the devs are at war with the players that keep them employed. It’s not all of them, though. There are Preferred Classes that get frequent reworks, somehow rarely face nerfs, and whose concerns are addressed.

The game is probably much more fun if you play one of those Preferred Classes. If you’re not, playing WoW is an uphill experience.


This is true and it only gets worse as the week goes on.


that’s only on a fortified week. :upside_down_face:

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For real, I was tired of watching the healer nerfs by season 2 and now this latest batch is just oof, and thats after a 50% nerf, a big mana nerf, another 20% nerf, another 10% nerf, another 15%, another mana nerf, and now this latest round of we’ll just call it 8% nerfs meaning that healers have about 28% left in the tank. I think I might have missed a nerf or two as well.

The expansion started with healers getting nerfed into the ground, and then blizzard went and got a excavator so they could bury them and they’ve been working that thing every season. The optics are horrible and I can’t recommend people play healers because of all the nerfs healers get all the time, which sucks because I need to run content for gear.


The sad part is our riptide is also getting nerfed by 25% once we drop our s3 set. Reason why I wish they get rid of tier sets and focus on balancing our talents.


Fated season, previously, had such a power ramp up that the 5% wont be noticed.

People begged for tier sets to return.

And the shaman community turned around and voted for the worst one for S4.


What’s funny about Blizzard continuously nerfing healers is they then have had to nerf dozens of dungeon abilities by 20-30% (or more) to compensate for healing being inadequate. This has happened every season in DF.

They can’t seem to figure out how to balance healing in raiding vs m+. All the wowhead articles saying healers are OP are speaking entirely from a raiders perspective.

I mean just imagine the uproar if Blizzard announced 20 or 30% sweeping nerfs to one of the other roles at the start of a season, as they essentially did to healers when they increased the damage and HP of enemies? There would be an UPROAR.


Glad someone said it. OP must not have stress healed beyond +15 on a tyrannical week.

Am I reading things right though? They’re nerfing healers? I’ll admit Mistweaver is a little too easy at the moment but I dunno if anything beyond mana regen is the issue (And maybe Ancient Teaching’s + Crane).

Guess they really want people to be accountable for their own mistakes. If all the clutch is gone from healers then there’s not much left. Might as well turn them into heal CD bots who DPS (Remove on-demand heals altogether).

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