Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Now you need my feelings to dictate reality? Sorry, that’s not how things work. You’re still interested in my feelings, though? I’m flattered.


This is boring.

Banal, more like. We’re already going in circles.

But I have time.



You can not Que a full 40 man group into either

I’m asking you for your proof that’s what the game intends.

So, normally you can only queue with a maximum of a 5-man group for unrated PvP, correct? But some battlegrounds are 10man, 20man and even 40man. Using addons, a discord of 40 people can “sync” their 5man queues to always get into BGs together. So the entire 20man battleground team is all one premade in Discord with voice comms. This has been a tactic for like 15 years. I remember the old “AV Enabler” addon allowing 40man premades for AV when the max queue size was 5man. It’s not new.

The problem is that retail WoW is SUPER dead right now. Most people have either quit all together, or are playing SoD, Cataclysm or Remix. It’s the end of the expansion and the playerbase is extremely thin. So if you queue for non-rated BGs, you have a pretty highly likelihood of queueing into these exploiters. Once TWW launches, and a lot of players return, you will be less likely to encounter them.

But no, make no mistake, this is an exploit. They’re circumventing the game’s premade restrictions with 3rd party services. You can report them, but nothing ever seems to happen to them.

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The rest of what you said is correct though.
But it isn’t an exploit.

40 man is not the only raid size.

5-man group is the size limit therefore that is the intended group size.

It’s not a collateral effect. People are playing a group based game in a group and you’re mad about it.

The system isn’t failed. You have the option to just do that with yolo groups or to Que randoms. It’s not a hard concept.

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Size limit for a group outside of the instance. An instance group and an open world group are different things.

Six, seven, etc. people can queue for it separately and wind up in the same lobby. You have evidence Shadybolt’s provided ad infinitum saying it’s not an exploit. It’s fine, per Blizzard’s current intent.

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PvP has basically been allowed to rot for years.

Low lvl PvP is awful because people invite their max lvl, geared friends, and stomp underlvled noobs in those brackets since they can queue together.

Unrated/Casual BGs (my main activity) suck because of the reasons you listed, and generally aren’t a good learning experience because people get stomped so hard. Also players entering with PvE gear, or just undergeared in general, leads to a stomp, there’s just no ilvl requirement. There should be.

Rated PvP, fully geared and at max level, is really the only “fair” PvP in all of WoW, and it has the longest waits to even play.

So yeah, it’s no wonder PvP has been on the decline for years now.

There’s so much Blizzard can do to fix it, but they’re always behind/late as usual.

Still, looking forward to rated BG blitz, shuffle was alright but arenas really aren’t my desired format in PvP, I always loved battlegrounds more and glad we’re getting a new one finally.

I think it is. Yes, I’ve read your old quote from Tyren. It’s from 2007 my dude. There’s been 17 years of changes to the game. Hell, Blizzard isn’t even the same company any more. I don’t put as much weight behind a 17 year old quote from a guy that left the company 15 years ago as you do. Now if we can get a MODERN quote from a developer stating that they don’t consider premade enabling addons exploitative, or subverting the 5man queue limit, I will 100% agree with you and remove my post.

But for now, nah man. It’s an exploit. If Blizzard wanted people 40man queueing for epic BGs they would just allow it with the in-game interface.


Sorry, OP disagrees.

I just wanted to let you know.

On a more earnest note, I get that it’s old, but an old law, while perhaps lacking, is still law. This is obviously less severe than a law, so wax on about whether you think it should still be intended, for sure, but in lieu of evidence otherwise… that post is still evidence that it’s not an exploit.

None of us can make Blizzard give a contemporary answer.


its not bc its a mmo that solo que shouldnt exist, solo shuffle and blitz are popular rn

I participated in premades before, its just not fun farming randos…

you also have the option to face equal groups in rbg, but they want to face randoms to farm them

There’s absolutely a reasonable time limit on when these sort of answers remain relevant.

Do you remember the “Wall of No”? The extensive collection of posts from various Blizzard developers and CMs stating there would NEVER be a Classic WoW? Well, in 2019 there was. Because between the 2009 “Wall of No” and 2019, the company changed. It was sold, now twice. 99% of the staff are gone.

Tyren’s quote is objectively out-dated and I think you’re arguing in bad faith - something I don’t have time for.

…No. At least, not when it comes to asking for action against people / accounts.

If all of these people operate under the assumption it is fine to do so, they should never be punished retroactively for doing it.

This is a different scenario altogether. And the answer was still no until it changed, which is self evident but I guess it warrants saying right now.

Read my first paragraph if nothing else. It’s sent in earnest, and to suggest otherwise is in and of itself bad faith.

Quote where I asked for these people to have their accounts actioned?

I would like Blizzard to acknowledge that this is an issue affecting the community and either reiterate that the enabling addons are well-within the terms of service or officially change their stance and affirm that queueing 40man premades for epic BGs is not the intended way to play the game.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask for clarification here. I’m not asking for people to be banned. Like you say, they haven’t broken any rules. But it probably SHOULD be a rule, and that needs to be clarified by the developers.

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you can play with friends in other bg modes

no need to ban anything, just stop whole raids queuing together

come on I just want ppl to log in and que a bg and play the game, thats why Iam against premades, they grief it
if it will increase the time so do it, without premades ruining the game, more people will try out so then less time in que

It’s a group based game and has always been a group focused game.

Solo Que for rated content shouldn’t exist.

Solo shuffle was a terrible addition and solo blitz will be too.

Your fun is subjective. If I’m farming honor I just want to get it over with.

Because most of them are farming honor for honor gear

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It’s not. And it’s been over ten years. You have your answer. It’s not against the rules.

So deal with it.

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