Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

but they are popular, plus they’re making delves and follower dungens, theres a demand for it

its like farming npcs in AV, why would I do pvp if they’re like that?

their communities are in full conquest gear, their purpose is to stomp and farm crazy numbers in level honor plus achievments

Brother, I have an honor rank of like 10. I haven’t queued for a BG in about 9 years. I don’t have to “deal” with anything. This problem doesn’t effect me whatsoever. I’m just adding my opinion, as this is a public forum and the purpose of said forum is to post opinions.


We encourage you to join a bg guild and then enjoy epic guild v guild warsong battles

You can send honor to alts now. They could very well still be farming honor gear on fully geared characters, Just not for that character.

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I don’t believe you did, and since you’re also saying you haven’t, I won’t look. However, you’ve been in defense of OP, and thus the topic of the thread itself.

So, with that out of the way - the rest of your post.

I feel like this is a sentiment people feel about a lot of issues in general. Not relegated just to PvP, let alone just this issue. I’m still shocked my class got anything significant in class changes, especially since all valid complaints are obfuscated by creeps on the forums insisting Shamans’ complaints were unwarranted.

If there’s something specific you’d preferred I’d commented on, please ask. Otherwise, to conclude, I don’t necessarily agree it should be a rule, but I am also not a PvPer, and I make that statement with the intent that it be taken with a grain of salt. They should update their stances on a lot of things, nevertheless, and be more willing to engage with common topics. This definitely qualifies as a common topic.

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One hasn’t been added to live yet and shuffle is dead. I wouldn’t call it “popular” when ques take over 15 minutes.

Delves are just a new torghast. You’re only able to get one hero track item a week from the vault for the highest difficulty that awards gear. It will also be cried about.

Ok and? Even if that were 100% true it’s still 100% legal

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I think talking to a brick wall is more productive then this broken record of pre-programmed responses…


its not ranked yet but it does exist

rbgs are taking a while too, arenas are fast but you re constantly facing the same ppl in higher brackets

but it is solo content, they re adding more follower dungeons too, its controversial since wow is a mmo but well modern times

it is, Iam not asking for legal actions, I want blizzard to just stop whole raids to queue together

The solo Que rated BGs is not on live so it can’t be popular yet.

That’s basic common sense.

15 minute ques for shuffle aren’t fast.

Why? They aren’t breaking the rules. You just don’t like losing

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I love how you two are patting each other on the back haha also you never once have provided any proof of how going around the group size isn’t exploiting.

The quote you posted of me was not to Kiofea. It was to someone who has similar opinions to yours (though much more thought out and earnest, without insulting people by calling them a “bottom feeder”.)

There’s that trademark reading comprehension again, I suppose.


ok then I’ll say the battleground non-ranked blitz is popular, does not change the point

refered to 2s and 3s lfg, they’re fast but you face the same ppl

its bad and making the game worse, again, dont need to change the rules, just place different groups in different bgs instances, so we’re capped to 5 folks, or make it solo q.

I dont like not being able to play the game, doing a braindead farm or sitting afk waiting it to end

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So do that. Can you actually make a point that matters?

We’re talking about solo content not lfg.

Then don’t?

Interesting… where in there did, I say that quote was for him? Reading comprehension again I suppose.

I explained over 5 times why it matters

then do you think I should unsubscribe instead of fixing the problem

This person does not care at all they will say anything to excuse their behavior.

I am not the one with a lapse in rational thought, sorry.


it makes bg unplayable, its griefing

Solo blitz ques have zero relevance to this discussion

So no you haven’t made any valid points.

I don’t honestly care what you do.

It’s not a problem. It hasn’t been a problem for ten years.

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How does it make BGs unplayable? This is a genuine question, I do not PvP.

I have a frame of reference; in OW and in League, being one person on a team of 5 with no one grouped, I can still beat a full premade.