Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

You didn’t you made a straw man argument. Thanks for coming.

But I’m building up to the part where I say…

I’m just pointing out that you’ve demonstrated exactly what he said; a lack of intelligence and reading comprehension. We’ve all observed it, you even showed some fear that this might be a grammar class. At least, I think that’s what you were trying to say. You were barely coherent at the time.


That is the exact programming for this pathetic algorithm masquerading as a player.


lol this stuff really is gold haha keep doing what you are doing.

You sure seem to care a lot about this thread for acting like it doesn’t matter… odd

I know, thanks. I wish you’d hit me with a comeback at all, though. You were all fired up and ready to go earlier, when you called someone a bottom feeder. Why can’t I get some of that?

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No thanks the childish behavior isn’t my thing. Thanks though.

It’s been pretty much exclusively your thing.


Nope. But your feelings are valid I suppose.

At this point… seek help.
Your level of trolling is worryingly bad, mate.

Start off by fixing how you only target premades in a group activity without negatively impacting people wanting to play with friends, despite those being also the people you are trying to actively target.

There are no silver bullets in real life, and that’s the first step.

The next step is how to ban communication between players, both in-game and out-of-the-game, for a MMO. You know, those games, where people talk with each other, and communicate, and participate in group activities. Like the ones that you are trying to argue that they should be banned from participating in.

Oh and by the way…

You also have to deal with this. Because, now you need to also try to get people to like PvP despite not being allowed to talk, to play with friends, communicate, organize, or anything else. And remember, the thing that you are arguing for would be a blanket ban on premades simply existing and communicating, or just straight up making it impossible to queue as a premade because … reasons.

That’s definitely a good way to encourage people to participate in PvP.

Look, I’m trying to tell you this:
I like PvP. But dear lord above do I hate the entitlement-mentality and victim-mentality of PvP players. Forum PvPers are easily the worst, but the ones in game aren’t often much if at all better.

The only ones that are making people hate PvP and PvPers … are you folks pulling insane trolling stunts and crap like these threads. And calling anyone disputing you any number of insults and names.

Grow the hell up.


I mean, instead of either shutting me down with some clever observation of my underhanded tactics, or opting to ignore me, you chose to say “nuh uh.”

I’d say my ‘feelings’ on that matter are a bit more than valid. Warranted. Objective. These come to mind.

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That clearly says “nope” but that pesky “reading comprehension” only applies to me I bet.

Part of reading comprehension is the ability to paraphrase. I do appreciate the attempt at snapping back, though. Literalisms just aren’t it, with me.


Well that’s a you problem. Your feelings don’t dictate reality.

Nor does yours … but that hasn’t stopped you so far from pretending that they do.

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Certainly not. Though my feelings do reflect my outlook on reality. That is to say, how I feel about your childish behavior is just that. The childish behavior came first.


I have not brought my feelings into this.

Cool, again your feelings don’t dictate reality. So sorry but your feelings don’t matter here.

You seem particularly obsessed with them. You’ve mentioned them… thrice now? In a very short period, to boot.


Not at all just pointing it out.

Pointing what out?

The need for your feelings to dictate reality.