Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I dont think that person can read english. It directly talks about Epic PVP premades, but some how it does not relate…

I wonder if might be a chat GPT bot…


stop playing dumb

aww of course always back to the baseless insults.

Correct so again by going around the intended system you are by definition… EXPLOITING.

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Nope, but I would guess that’s to prevent technical issues with conflicting raid/bg sizes. For example, queuing for a 10 man BG with a 20 man raid group.

Looks like an observation to me, actually. Your reading comprehension DOES suck, thus far.


Cool not what we are talking about.

No those are insults bud. Again, you REALLY need to take your own advice.

My base is your every response in this thread thus far, and it is incredibly solid.

So it wasn’t clear enough to say even with what you think is an exploit but unable to happen is not happening… No intelligent thought to be found in that empty space where a brain would be. I guess that’s the reason for the thicker than concrete skull, to hide the nothingness that lies within. Removing your waste of existence from my world and feeling lighter from no longer carrying all the intelligent responses going forward. Cheers.

This looks like angry childish response to me bud lol

Yikes lol you still have yet to disprove anything it makes a lot of sense you are screaming insults bud.

that “premade” can be like 6 people.

Who pure random drops in know well. THey have good plans, high win rates…and actually use raid leader chat power to post a strategy.

when they say jump, I say how high. Pure random drop in. Its bette than running around like a chicken with it head cut off.

Cool that’s not what is being talked about.

I’m not saying whether it is intended or not to work like that. I’m saying that this is the official stance and as it is the official stance, they have declared that it is intended at this point. And has been for 16+ years.

Regardless of however many folks organize together in-or-outside of the game to play together. Until there’s a blue post stating that this isn’t the intended way moving forward, it is a moot point to talk about it as if it is an exploit or intended to work one way or another.

For Epic BGs considering how they are designed…? Eh, I’m honestly not too sure that they aren’t actually designed with a significant PvE element in mind. I’m pretty sure that the Warfronts from BFA were actually their more “pure” form of showcasing what they wanted epic BGs to be. I know that the warfront isn’t a BG but what I’m saying is that I’m pretty sure that’s the actual intention behind the design of epic BGs.

It literally cites EXACTLY what you are referring to.

I don’t think so. A GPT bot would probably be more coherent.


Doesn’t look like an insult to me, sorry. Simply an observation.


they dont even do any kind of pvp, they have no clue whats going on. I’ve noticed a trend where people hate pvpers for some unknown reason

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Prove it. Because it says ashran lol

He has no thoughts inside that empty head other than trolling and rage; leave him to his bridge.

lol this is just sad bud A for effort though

You wanted an answer, I gave you an answer, you didn’t like the answer because it didn’t support your tantrum, you dismiss the answer.

Enjoy your losses.

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The irony is just gold haha

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then the official stance is wrong, they need to admit it and change.

It’s not because it’s always been like this that automatically makes it something good, recently we’ve been getting a lot of changes like blitz and solo shuffle, so its time to demad this again