Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

they cant read, I explained it like 3 times already, even this one warrior Iam giving up, let them be ignorant

No matter how much you try to deflect, that’s a blue post confirming it ain’t an exploit. Regardless of however people communicate and organize it.

I have read this one and others like it before. Here’s the problem:
If you truly want to combat this you have to make the experience worse for literally EVERY player. Regardless of whether they are a premade or not, regardless of whether they are a large premade organizing themselves via voice chat.

You aren’t solving anything by making the game worse for everyone involved. Especially when the precedence exists and have existed for 16+ years. This ain’t a new thing.

The only real way to “combat” it would be to attempt to outlaw players communicating with each other. Regardless of whether it was in-game or out-of-the-game. That’s literally what the blue post from 31st of December, 2007 says.

These complaints ya’ll keep raising … sorry but they aren’t valid complaints. That’s literally the official stance and has been for 16 years. People aren’t defending this because that’s literally just what the game has been like for ALL of epic BGs existence.

Sorry, but this is genuinely part of the game … and that’s the official stance. If you don’t like that to the degree that you say, vote with your wallet. Very few people have cared about it to that degree since otherwise they would have made a fundamental change in how matchmaking works at all in WoW. They haven’t, so it is likely not a problem and hasn’t been one for, again, 16+ years.

Because it is a bad faith question that is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. No matter how much you want to pretend it is.
(Not to mention that people have but you disliked their answer so you ignored 'em.)


Because you didn’t ask me that question, and even so I unintentionally answered it in the quote you responded to:

“Why won’t anyone answer my question?”

I asked it multiple times. You guys just don’t want to answer it because it blows your entire argument out of the water.

well what they are doing? there is no programs. There is physical hacking. There is no trainers. THere is addons… What the flying fornication are you talking about?

how my proposed solution is making things worse, solo que is popular since solo shuffle

if they want grouping, then do…rbgs? you know why they avoid each other…

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Because solo shuffle is designed for solo play.
BGs aren’t.

They use addons and they drop until they get in together. Lets stop pretending please.

I’m not so sure it does that, actually. More than likely the response would be (as it is a rational response) that they SHOULD be able to, even if they cannot.

If they’re going to allow the queueing, may as well make it convenient to do.

they arent supposed to be grouping griefing, its just a colateral effect of being able to que with + 4 players

Yeah, I’m not reading all the whinging you’re doing to everyone else, just paying attention to the notifications I get meaning your direct responses to me. Stop changing the subject.

Ironic… Here’s your answer: no, and they still can’t. Something something your argument is out of the water…

Sure, they should be allowed to, but they aren’t.

where is your proof?

Okay. What’s the takeaway?

I’ll tell you what it isn’t.

Cool thank you, so by going around the intended system you are by definition… Exploiting.

And again, and again… and again:

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Iam not saying its a exploit, I saying its not inteeded to work like that, or you think they wanted bgs to be a type of pve content where you farm outnumbered ppl?

You are being willfully dishonest. This blue post does not apply to what is happing now.

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Seems relevant to me.


Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suite, nor is intelligence of any kind, so I’ll reiterate what you just quoted and replied to:

No, you cannot group for a battleground in a raid group and no, you can’t even with the premade group system. Is that crystal clear enough to wedge itself through your thick as stone skull?