Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

It’s okay. With people like this you just have to talk down to them so they understand their perspective’s not so elevated after all.

Whine all you want.

Still ain’t an exploit.

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Interesting. Maybe take your own advice?

What was my advice? I’ve been talking down to you. There is no hypocrisy here.

Again, let’s stop pretending you guys are “just talking”.

Kind of hard to do that if the pre-made is larger than 10 people.

did you read the threard, its making ppl quite and griefing groups, let me explain

and its not ‘‘competitive’’ by any means, it just made bgs sucks, no one who knows that queue anymore bc you know you cant do anything

players coordinating a competitive pvp content? great, rbgs exist

it shouldnt be allowed in random bgs, make it solo queue, no need to make it against tos, just say ‘‘ok theres random bgs, if you want a voice chat and coordinated groups you can queue in rated bgs’’

if they’re just innocent coordinated groups why they dont face each other in rated bgs? I cant understand ppl defending it

the answer is simple, they are the type of players who just wants to grief

Christ on a cracker

…once again, some of this just can’t be real. The “system” is awful and needs fixing.

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Cool story bro? Idk what you are exception the childish behavior doesn’t bother me.

Mind rephrasing in a coherent fashion?

Creating a group in an MMO is not a cheat, it’s actually working as designed. Players choosing not to use this in-game feature that’s been around for 2 decades is on them.

Aren’t you technically looking up since you’re a cute, smol fox? xD

Is the a grammar class? No? cool lol

That’s what the stilts are for.

No, but we could use an impromptu one. What happened to you?

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Can you queue as a raid into random bgs?

I was gonna make a joke about standing on something but yours is even funnier. I’m laughing atm, Ty :joy:

I just don’t care about this conversation with you anymore lol

No one’s making you respond. If it’s a boredom thing, I’m happy to continue even if you ‘don’t care’ though. I’m curious if I can cultivate some wit today.

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How can you “avoid the group size”? Are teams of twenty getting into a ten versus ten battleground? Stop making stuff up.

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Why won’t anymore answer my question of if you can queue a raid into random bg’s lol