Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

No one is defending it. People are literally just saying “it is allowed, learn to deal with it” because … it is allowed. It has been explicitly been allowed for 16+ years.

And you do realize this would extend the matchmaking queue for EVERY player by several minutes, and I’m not talking about another 5 minutes but maybe 15-20+ for EVERY player … right?

There’s no solution to a problem that isn’t worth solving. Especially when it isn’t even a problem to begin with.

Again, irrelevant.

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ok then make it no longer allowed

make they solo queue only so


Back this up with evidence please.

Most players will gladly take a longer queue to avoid you bottom feeders.


Such a high horse for such a small person.


I love how you guys never ever even try to prove your claims you just rely on insults like angry little children.

What I responded to was an insult.

I reserve the right to insult people who would do so first. (My horse is not so high.)


Incorrect it was an observation.

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And literally make it against the ToS to … speak?

Because that is literally all here is to it. You are now making the argument that people shouldn’t be allowed to speak with another player.

No. And you know that this isn’t even a solution to, again, a problem that doesn’t exist.

Looks at this thread as well as the link I sent you.

It has been backed up. You are just backed up with ignorance.

Trust me when I say this, no, folks wouldn’t. But then again you are calling folks randomly bottom feeders simply by pointing out established precedence that’s over a decade and a half long, so that says more about you than anyone else.

If this “problem” existing makes you not play the game, I’m pretty sure that’s the real win for everyone. Regardless, this is an ad hominem because now you are no longer (not that you ever were) addressing my points and you are just resorting to random baseless insults.

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Oh, so is what I said. It’s still very much an insult.

Though, I am curious what you ‘observed’ that made a classist comment like “bottom-feeder” make any sense on a WoW Forum.


There’s nothing stopping any player from joining or creating thier own premade. What’s the problem?

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Incorrect lol learn the difference please.

At this point I wonder if there’s RMT going on that Blizzard is benefiting from by allowing them to run wild.


There is nothing stopping people from cheating so what’s the problem?

They are upset they frequently lose in epic BGs so they want to outlaw people communicating with other people. So… according to them, the problem is that players can speak.

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It’s not cheating if it’s available to everyone.

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There is a difference. A difference does not mutually exclude two things. I can observe that you act high and mighty. Then, if I say “nice high horse” it is both an insult and an observation.


They are very ironic aren’t they?


This is a wild statement haha

No people are upset exploiters are ruining the fun of bgs for everyone playing the game legit.

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Cheats and hacks are available to everyone, they are still cheating.