Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

How do you know this?

How do you know they don’t?

Cops know crime is happening, but they don’t catch all criminals. They have done some things on this…then just stopped. Cops do that all the time with types of crime. They move resources elsewhere until there is public outcry then move them back. It is not proof that those crimes are not crimes.

In the Engadget article they literally say we know this is happening and are working on it. Never heard a word again.

You even said so yourself. Yes cops know criminals are doing things that they haven’t caught yet. The only difference is they actually say so

Blizzard knows and is asleep at the wheel. My analogy stands and is the exact reason for the thread.

I never claimed they didn’t. You are the one claiming they know so prove that they know.

Starting to feel like this is a Snoz alt.

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That would be called corruption and and dereliction of duty.

Knowing something is happening and having evidence of it happening are two different things. If Blizzard is aware of this and has any intention of punishing it, then they are going to take their time building evidence and then start suspending people in waves, which is what they do with large scale rule-breaking.

The fact that something hasn’t been done yet does not mean the action is acceptable.

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It’s pretty obvious that Blizzard devotes little time/effort to PvP.

I think we’re still waiting to see if they realize that the hp of IOC vehicles and AV NPCs need to be buffed.


Yes. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you is the same person.

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Well people have asked for evidence or explanation and you haven’t given any… you do like to change the subject a lot though.

I’m supposed to give evidence of something that doesn’t exist? Do you expect Blizzard to post a list of everything that is allowed or not? Until Blizzard takes actions, I’ll assume they’re ok with it, because the opposite can’t be true, otherwise there would be punishments.

If it doesn’t exist, what are you making your claims on?

They do it’s called the Terms of Service.

That’s an extremely unrealistic thing to claim. If someone doesn’t get caught cheating does that mean he is no longer cheating?

By the absence of punishments.

Nowhere in it does it say “Joining the same battleground with multiple groups is against ToS.”

If the cheating they’re partaking in has been included in the law, then they’ll be punished. Most laws are laws because someone did it right? So until punishments is dolled out, or Blizzard says specifically Joining the same battleground with multiple groups is against ToS I will assume they’re okay with it.

You sure are making a lot of assumption when the proof has already been laid out before you.

See TOS Exploiting is against the TOS and by definition what they are doing is exploiting. Explain how it’s not exploiting.

But you say it’s exploiting, it doesn’t make it so. At least not until Blizzard says it is.

No, the definition of exploiting says it’s exploiting… explain how it’s not exploiting.

Not until Blizzard says it is.

Blizzard doesn’t define words. Why can’t you tell me how it’s not exploiting?

Because I don’t think it is. At most it’s “clever use of game mechanics”. Until Blizzard acts on it, that’s all it is.

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Ok? that’s not an excuse?

They have a word for that.

Yes, clever use of game mechanics. Until they deem it exploiting and acts on it. If they don’t, that’s all it is. You can argue all you want.