Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Well aren’t you a lil troll

You mean the guy putting a stock message about exploiting which may or may not apply here? Right, I’m gonna need more. If you keep pestering snoz for exact proof that they said it’s ok, I want proof that this specific behavior is against the rules. Because remember, multiboxing is tolerated, even though it gives a clear advantage.

What? It’s banned and they have been banning players for it haha wtf are you even talking about. And like I said you can watch people stream it and they don’t even pretend they aren’t queue syncing it.
Also, what do you mean stock messages I am quoting blizzards own TOS and the definition of exploiting in gaming.

What? No they had a full interview on it and the dev explained it over and over.

It’s the same argument that has been had multiple times in this thread. The idea that using timing tricks isn’t an exploit is so blatantly ridiculous after they removed Raids queuing for BGs it’s just funny.

The burden of evidence is on you here because peole are doing something not explicitly allowed in the game. You can’t queue that way. So how about you try to show proof that it isn’t an exploit.

See I have already posted and reposted links to blizzards docs saying it is…you can read them or not I don’t care. Show me something that says it isn’t.

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My evidence of what? People coordinating in Discord? I’m not going to join a premade’s discord and record their voice chats just to personally give you evidence that they’re doing this. You can join one yourself.

Blizzard’s code of conduct prohibits exploiting the game. You can just read it yourself dude. World of Warcraft’s queue system has size limits depending on the game mode. For an unrated battleground, you cannot queue with more than five people, but premades are coordinating outside of the game to bypass this. That is against the rules.

No, multiboxing and keycloning is what gave the advantage prior to the prohibition of streamlining gameplay, which is why you don’t see zombie trains lasering people in BGs anymore. Just having multiple windows open at the same time does not provide an advantage anywhere in the galaxy of the extent that bypassing the group size does.

This is not a hard thing to understand.

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But you decided that this was exploiting. I’ve yet to see any proof that this action is exploiting.

It is defined in Blizzard’s code of conduct and if you somehow can’t find it there, you can go over to the Customer Support forum and ask a moderator about it right now. Exploitation is defined as using the game in a way that was neither intended nor designed by the developer.

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I notice how you keep ignoring me… is it because I have provided the evidence twice now and you are just being dishonest?

This is all the evidence that is needed.


This is copy-pasted directly from the Code of Conduct


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.


If it was an punishable offense, people would have been punished. Yet they aren’t. Wonder why.

Because it has gone unnoticed because blizzard doesn’t pay attention to unrated content. That’s why we are making these posts to bring attention to it.

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Lol are you implying you’re the first thread to talk about it? That’s cute.

Of course not. Where did I say I was?

When you said it was unnoticed.

It’s become a huge problem in dragonflight that’s why there are posts. Saying it has gone unnoticed isn’t saying I am the only one that has noticed… I am getting the feeling you are just trying to derail things though so back to the subject how is queue syncing not exploiting?

That’s not how it works. Blizzard has to know what is happening, who is doing it, and then investigate and apply penalties where applicable. Unfortunately, Blizzard is mostly reactive in its enforcement so players have to send reports in to draw attention to something. There is no way for a player to detect a premade when simply encountering them in the game. The best we can do is suspect that one exists in a match by knowing the names of characters that consistently engage in them, or by having access to the premades’ platforms outside of the game.

This is why Blizzard needs to be proactive about this issue. Players do not have the tools to effectively detect and report these groups. Blizzard has to do something.

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That is silly. It’s like saying since all criminals are not in prison that means there are no laws. Just ridiculous.


They know it’s happening though, that’s the point I was making, yet they aren’t doing anything. Meaning, they don’t deem it a punishable offense. This isn’t the first thread aboit it. And even assuming it started in DF, that’s still 2 full years.

Nowhere comparable. A more apt analogy was if the police knew the criminals were doing it yet aren’t doing anything.

Agreed, stop queueing epic BGs.
When you’re a jerk in the sandbox, no one comes to play in the sandbox with you.

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He literally just goes around flaming everyone and calling them bad while not being able to break 2200 in RBGs or arenas. He can’t even get duelist, lol.

Any decent mod would’ve perma’d him ages ago.

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