Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

[quote=“Abendroth, post:817, topic:1890486, username:Abendroth-zuljin”]
Aren’t premades in it for honor farming?[/quote]

Yes. Which is why it’s hilarious when these people lie and say the other team is full conq gear.

It’s so they can cope with losing.

So it’s ok because people have been skating under the radar? That’s your argument?

Interesting… almost like they haven’t been noticed like the people exploiting random bg’s…

They haven’t been skating under the radar you guys linked an article that even said they were aware it was happening they didn’t like it but it wasn’t breaking the rules.

Again you’re comparing cheaters messing up the economy and usually dabbing in real money trading, to groups queuing together in unrated content. Can’t you see how insane that comparison is?

No go watch Inemies videos and live streams… they dodge each other and are all fully geared… They are not there for “honor farm”

No, because then the last thing they’d want to do is go through all the effort of coordinating outside of the game, just to roll through noobs in a few minutes and get less out of it.

Then you don’t know what you’re talking about. After the first few weeks of a season, they are in full conquest/high-end raid or mythic+ gear.

Provide your source please because you keep making this claim but there has been no evidence for it.

I know exactly what I’m talking about.

People have these things called Alts

You have google.

You are making the claim the burden of proof lies with you.

Aren’t you claiming it is against the rules? Where’s your evidence?

Coordinating outside of the game to bypass the in-game group limit is an exploit and is absolutely against the rules.

I have been IN DISCORD with some of these groups while they did it.

Right here.

I don’t care enough to search it for you.

Blizzards lack of action is proof enough.

Deal with it or continue to complain. Doesn’t matter to me.

Where’s your evidence of that? They keep asking evidence that it’s tolerable behavior, yet nobody is providing proof that it is in fact against the rules.

Of course lol

Completely false.

Take your own advice.

I haven’t been complaining.

Again it’s right here.

Ok bud lol let’s play pretend.

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5 mans, fine. More than that, unfair. Blizzard said so. Scroll up to find the links as I can’t repost them.

If you support unfair matches then I think you are part of the problem and am against your ideas.

I want fun fair matches as those grow the community the best and are the most enjoyable. Pug stomping takes away from other players fun and is an exploit because of that fact.

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It has been said over and over in this thread, but because many of us can’t repost links we can’t feed the info to you. Search for Engadget in this thread and you can read the back and forth Blizzard had about it during Panda when they disabled raid queuing for Ashran, and dealt with the backlash.

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