Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

That is a pointless response. Other modes existing doesn’t change the problems with this mode. This mode is basically where people go to grind gear and get started in bg pvp. It’s what it is for. It is not for people doing this bs.

If you don’t want to fix it and think it is fine…whatever. Don’t make excuses for Blizzards lack of attention to the pvp community as a whole. As I said that is the root of the problem. The fact there are other things to do doesn’t change the fact that this tier has issues.

Calling me a troll because you can’t refute points is pretty toxic.


Where? Also, blizzard hasn’t fixed a bunch of bots, so I guess bots are ok as well?

Yes it matters, because there isn’t yet any mode that forcefully puts you with the other faction. It doesn’t exist. And shouldn’t exist. I play the horde.

They have said bots is against tos though, so I’m thinking you’re cherry picking what they said.

This thread should go on forever until it’s fixed. Hopefully it’s resolved for TWW. Anyone want come of the copium I’m sipping?


Read all of what I said please. The person I am replying to is saying exploiting the queue system is ok because blizzard hasn’t done anything and I pointed out that there are still bots so bots must be ok.

Battleground Blitz does and rated bg’s. But I don’t think cross faction is the answer in randoms I think they just need to punish those abusing the exploit.

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They have also said tricking the system to pug stomp is unfair and thus considered cheating.

Blitz’s are cross faction I believe.

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The blue post in 07 and the fact they haven’t done anything to stop it in over ten years.

Blizzard has been banning over bots lol

I vote both. Don’t see any drawback from cross faction and quite a few good things.

OMG… another “Help me, I can’t win” post… It’s GROUP content and you cry because some people are organized. Are you going to make some posts about how other groups are better at dungeons or raids than you next?

Show this blue post please. Queue syncing has never been a big of problem as it is now what is the over 10 years you are talking about?

Yes, but not all of them so some are ok according to you.

You’re putting literal cheaters usually also engaging in rmt, in the same basket as groups wanting to play together in unrated content.

For the probable 10th time. Nobody cares about “groups” we are tired of people EXPLOITING to gain an unfair advantage. Also, why would I care about dungeons or raids people aren’t exploiting those.

Easy solution.

Remove faction barrier.

Fill each side with both faction.

When multiple groups try and Que together to form a full premade on one side, they end up fighting each other instead.

Win trading won’t be an issue. People only sign up for premades when they expect to win 100% If there’s a chance they get put on the losing side, people won’t be signing up for that.


If you’re playing as a group involves exploiting, it’s not the playing in the group that’s the problem… it’s the exploiting…

This is unbelievably dishonest. They are nor complaining about organized people. They are complaining about every battleground having a raid’s worth of grouped players with max gear and skill, intentionally joining unrated battlegrounds to steamroll noob players. Ever since I resubbed this xpac, it has been almost every single bg with a premade.

Also, another problem is that these premades have dozens of players coordinating in Discord to join the same bg since they can’t all fit into one party.


Aren’t premades in it for honor farming? That would still happen on opposite sides, they would just not attack each other or worst, just stay in a corner killing each other without doing the objective.

No they are in it to “pug stomp” and to stroke there tiny ego because they can’t win in fair combat.

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Presses have been quing into epic BGs for over ten years because I used to do it in Cata (couldn’t walk for a year due to a motorcycle accident. Had a lot of free time then)

Nope. They just haven’t caught them yet. You’re also comparing apples to oranges as Blizz has officially stated bottling is against the rules.

Says you though.