Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

If it is determined to be an exploit only be an obscure post on engadget from twelve years ago and one from Twitter, not the forums, to boot…

…no one should be held to an unrealistic standard of upholding that.

If in twelve years people have questioned its legitimacy as a tactic and it has gone unpunished thus far, to start punishing people that did it yesterday is asinine.


If you pull from pool-A to fill team-A and pool-B to fill team-B but the two pool sizes are different then you end up with a delay. If you add pool A and B then fill both groups you even out the number of people waiting and decrease delays in filling up both teams.

It would have less effect in battlegroups with more even pvp player base on alliance and hoard, but it would also help to even out fluctuations throughout the day.

1 large pool for both teams is faster than 2 smaller pools because of population and pvp participation imbalance.

The only real solution for this issue (and for forum trash which defends exploits)
is for normal players to stop queue for anything BG related.
Blizzard will only care if BG participation drops to a sudden stop.
Take me for example, I did not queue for any such content in more than a year and will continue doing so untill it is fixed.

Same way as grifiers right now balding mad that they got noone to gank in WMON :smiley:

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It has also been expressly labeled as unfair by Blizzard. These guys are just not being honest about it and trying to lawyer their way through a loophole.

It is so obviously unfair that it is sad people defend it.


The game designers did not intend for raids to queue into random pvp… therefore going around that intention is by definition exploiting.

Would be interesting to organize a boycott, but damn hard to do.

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I’ve made my position clear. I’m really not interested in arguing what we’ve already argued. Continue your echo chamber without me.

Then leave this post because this post is about the exploiting problem.

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I’m going to after this post, but I want you to know something.

When you reply to someone or quote someone, it notifies them. I don’t care about having the last word, but I check every notification I get, often without checking where it is.

This is not uncommon, so it’s not quite the ‘gotcha’ people think when they get a response.

Good luck with the lemming thread.

Ok? Thanks for being an example.

I dont want to face premades when I queue random, is that a “lemming thread” ?wow

The guy is just so rude. he pops into all sorts of threads and does the same kind of stuff. Some people just can’t help but be negative. He called me desperate like 4 posts in a row then acted like I was weird when I blocked him.

Definitely not worth the time.

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Please stop replying to him. Just let him leave.

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Most bad players don’t.

No, the bad players are the ones exploiting bg’s so they can win because they can’t win without an unfair advantage lol

Or most people don’t actually take random BGs seriously and just want their honor grind done.

Either way they aren’t breaking any rules so y’all just need to get over it.

That’s what mercenary mode is for and is entirely opt-in.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.
In [video games], an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it.
I have given factual evidence where is your evidence?

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Blizzard has already stated it’s not cheating.

That blizzard hasn’t done anything and are stating it’s not against tos.

but I know you Snoz, you are forum trash troll, so I am gonna ignore you until you behave.