Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

All communication they use is outside the game, and I doubt it’s enough of a problem (it’s unrated pvp, come on…) for them to look any more deeply into it. Or be able to prevent it.

Plenty of ways you can still watch for it, but it should still be fixed. Lot’s of things in the game don’t matter for rankings or whatever but ruin peoples experience. How are people supposed to get into pvp in wow except to start at the unranked level? If you want people to play rated bgs, you need to fix the practice/newb area and keep people from ruining it.

It’s the gateway drug. Blizzard is the dealer. Their gateway drug sucks right now and not paying any attention to PVP overall degrades player numbers and engagement.

Is it the most important thing? No. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t fix it.

The problem is when you put the best cosmetics into a mode people dislike, to bait engagement into something people are intentionally trying to avoid, it’s going to anger quite a few.

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You talk as if it happens more often than not, in all unrated modes, and that you can prove they are in fact full premades. Is it?

These “communities” do nothing but spam raid warnings every 5 seconds and turn every epic BG into a 60 minute honor farm. People doing epic BGS do not have an interest in playing the BG for that, they want to get their conquest and move on.

These “communities” have ruined an entire game mode for everyone but themselves.
The only solution is to stop queueing until they have no one to “farm” but themselves.

Epic BG’s are the ultimate end-game, where veteran players go to retire.

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Not sure, but I have seen quite a few. Epic BGs are riddled with them, and I have had days where I just stopped playing them because it was just over and over the same thing. All depends on the server and such, but…I mean if it’s a problem it should be fixed. There is always something else, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be on the list.

I think Blizzard showing what those numbers are would be a great way to start, but one battlegroups once a day could easily be another battlegroups 100 a day.

It’s a root problem of the system having an exploit…so I feel like that is really the bigger issue. If matchmaking has an exploit, it seems like a valid thing to get fixed.

Nothing in a game is the end of the world or totally game ending as long as the game functions, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about it.

As I said earlier the bigger issue is just the lack of Blizzards engagement at all on the topic.

Pvp in wow pretty much died what… 15 years ago when they cordoned it off as its own thing. No one cares anymore, least of all blizzard

I didn’t even pursue torghast fully and that pretty horse mount from some achiev that I do not recall atm I wish I would have when it was current now. This is where I rarely do something hard once again and I love horses but I was like, nah.


I do have a really good memory staying up with my husband till 2 a.m. (and it was SNOWING!!!) I should have stayed up watching the snow, not playing WoW anyway We did 18 floors. I was on my bear and he was on a ret pally, and he fought me so typical, Odin take the wheel on MY plan. And I said, I need to fight this explicit in the corner because he releases this explict stuff and I need to tank/drag him slowly with this pool of poo. My husband was like “nah, just tank him in the middle!” So, I did his plan and well, he used up too many deaths (my s/o) and was splat and then that one big dude came out and it was over. Do you even get something for completeting the 18 floors? I used to be silent about this and build him up, and while he is very smart and can be good at so much… I can’t be silent about this bc I was so mad lmfao


To answer your Q, fighting a glad 1v1 can be challenging in an epic.

green gear, as a good player, is where the fun can be at.

edit, english and wine in

Dude they can’t get rid of bots, I doubt they’ll ever get rid of something so minor as friends playing together in a forbidden way.

And again, I fail to see how they can fix it. They can ban it sure, though like I said, I doubt they ever put any effort in such a minor issue. But fix it? There’s just no way, beside the one offered earlier, but that opens up another problem.

Use your imagination a bit or go read all the options people have given.

Cross faction
Match groups
Increased monitoring
Limit number of full groups

Lot’s of things that would shift the rbg around a bit but wouldn’t be hard to do. The first they can do is talk about it though, and that is really what people need to push them on. Same thing with bots.

This idea that it takes work so we shouldn’t expect it is self defeating. Stop accepting poor products just because a company doesn’t work to make good ones.

Has to be opt-in, and that won’t do a thing, except make queues longer. Next.

Will make queues longer, just like for pvp with twink. And you’ll queue groups of 2s with full premades? Not gonna go well I tell ya. Next.

Bots still happen so that doesn’t do anything and cost more money. No way they do that. Next.

Queues longer even when there is room for them. Next.

There’s nothing next. All your solution bring longer queues to maybe fix a minor issue, while creating others.


Yes just for groups primarily but if the net is more games that are better per hour…ie you remove all the messed up lopsided ones could be better…back to the same issue blizzard needs to talk about it.

Yes but it will decrease…that is how that generally works.

See above

Just sitting there and saying nothing will work is useless. You may as well say we should stop cops from doing anything ever.

As I said if all of this is true fine…the root issue is Blizzard is not engaging on it and they should get crap for that.

Not really. It’s the place people go where the eu can be awful and still win

Whats being exploited?

Read the thread a bit. Full premade raids in RBG by getting around the 5man limit against what blizzard has explicitly said should be happening and what they intended…then they have done basically nothing to stop it.

PvE is like that, there’s no queue system with cross faction. And if PvE is like that, I do hope PvP has even more of a reason to be like that.

So it has to be opt-in, because you want it to be? Sorry I don’t think it will actually happen but if it does it should be auto. That also will lower queue times. So if your argument against the other points is queue times would go up so we can’t do that…then we should have cross faction and no opt in by the same logic…because not having it makes queue times longer.

Dude battleground already takes from both factions. How in the bloody hell would it reduce queue time if they’re on the same side. What?!

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it . If you think queue syncing isn’t an unfair advantage, you are already lost.

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