Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

You actually can’t que a full raid group into anything.

So your point is irrelevant.

Fact 1 it’s not an exploit
Fact 2 blizzard hasn’t made it illegal
Fact 3 it’s not against tos
Fact 4 it’s been a thing for over ten years.

There 4 that you can start with.

Blizzard doesn’t state anywhere random BGs are only for random players.

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Even five gud ppl and assuming they have good gear can sway the game but I give up. BlizzZard takes too long to fix their game.


Incorrect you can do rated and raids.

Prove how doing something outside of what the game intends isn’t an exploit using the definition I already gave.

I swear this is the same guy whining about the same thing and he just uses different characters from his account to do so.


What is this even supposed to mean? My comment had nothing to do with anything you said

its a colateral effect of the cancer that are premade groups, they have discord and a whole communities messing with this -

if the answer is ‘‘just ignore casual bgs and only play rated’’…well, then their system failed, no? I dont have patience or high xp to do rateds, it takes way too long I just want log in and queue a bg with randoms

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Nope I am just one guy you can check pvp me bud stop making baseless lame excuses.

No one is doing that which is what makes it irrelevant.
What people are doing is queueing as premades of 5s and then communicating if their queues popped at the same time. The “exploit” is the ability to communicate, not the raid size.

Sorry but you can pretend otherwise all you want but you have the answer here, and it has been the precedence for 16+ years:


You sound exactly like the other guy who made one last week.

It is not an exploit to to group up and being in discord to coordinate when or when not to take a queue pop.

YOu need to get outside more…


Let’s just stop pretending you guys are “just using voice to randomly get in together”.

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It’s the same guy, or another one of the same crowd who refuses to acknowledge that it isn’t an exploit to talk with people in-or-outside of the game.

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just asking, if they’re just innocent coordinated groups why they dont face each other in rated bgs? I cant understand ppl defending it

its easy to solve, just place groups in different instances, each group of 5 of them will end up in different matches

I used to enjoy the occasional random epic BG’s, but these groups really do ruin it. I ran into them frequently enough that I just quit doing them altogether, and I think it’s been over two years since I’ve set foot in one.

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I’m not. I’m saying that it is irrelevant.

Because it is allowed, and it is specifically outlined that it isn’t an exploit to enter the queue at the same time as another premade by communicating and organizing it via communication. In-game or out-of-the-game.

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Ironic and hilarious

Again it’s just me you can check pvp me to prove it bud. Also explain how doing something not intended by the game isn’t exploiting.

Same reason botters come on the forums to say there isn’t a bot problem and we’re overblowing the issue out of proportion.


So you can go into random pvp as a raid?

I dont think you know what those two words mean…Which is ironic based on how you are using them.

its funny, they literally avoid each others and by consequence grief their bg group, they’re defending it like its premades fighting in rated bgs

I’ve been in a call where someone say ‘‘likely a premade in the other side, re-queue everyone’’ :joy:


Are you just going to do boring nonsense trolling or are going to back up your statements?