Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

BlizZard doesn’t encourage full premades but they will not do anything it if happens sporadically.

For example that full premade of dwarves that role play and are a guild that mount up in the middle of AV with the war elephants.

But other premades that run full premades non stop everyday are disrupting multiple instances when they decline multiple instance queues causing 3-4 instances to be short on players while they enter a full game as a full premade.

That is what BlizZard deems as disruption.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Holy$rap I missed a lot.

Do the thing Blizzard!

Good morning Mr. Snobby

Where are these solo players that only do world content asking for the “bis gear”? I am not one.

I think solo content that is difficult absolutely should award good gear/rewards/ect.

I enjoy difficult content sometimes if the reward is amazing but, I do not enjoy the challenge generally thus I rarely do anything difficult in the game.

Idk how you could dislike a person based on the fact that they make or demand as you said requests for that kind of content. You lost me on that.

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Just search the forums. There’s been multiple posts made
By multiple people asking for equal ilvl gear.

It should cap at heroic. Because it’s impossible to make solo content as difficult as mythic raiding.

If you’re doing solo content you aren’t doing anything challenging

I didn’t say I dislike someone. I just think they aren’t very smart.

The first mistake anyone with critical thinking skills would avoid unless you like silliness and chaos. english < xD

The game is only doing delves because the player base is low now. This is a low effort way to “help” patch the giant hole. I’m curious…do we have to buy a new xpac a year the next three years? lmfao yikes.

Someone so smart, this is a dumb take. I know world content is brain dead.

S tier troll award goes to you.

cough Excuse me, this thread is to hate on BG Premades. The solo discussion is another post.

poke you with a stick


as long as you lube that stick up with honey first. I make it fresh daily though :wink:

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What is challenging? M+10 or Mythic raiding?

Does fighting gladiator in Epic BG qualify as challenging?

What about soloing Elite world quests in green gear?


Nope because the same argument could be said for torghast.

It’s just an expansion feature like anything else.

You can’t agree with me and then call me a troll lol

Later bosses in mythic raid are harder than m10s

No. Nothing in random BGs is qualified as “challenging”

Nothing in world content is hard. Nothing.

I think difficulty is relative to the character’s progression. I don’t measure difficulty based on a fully optimized character. Challenges are hidden everywhere in the game.

Some in outdoor world (World bosses and Elite areas) and some in casual content, especially in PVP because the challenge come from who you are facing.

What is your definition of challenging content?

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You honestly think I’m basing difficulty off of being fully optimized?

Tbh it sounds like you have never done actual challenging content.

Nothing in world content or Radom BGs is even remotely challenging.

Playing in high end mythic raiding/mplus/rated pvp

I don’t see where I said that. What I’m saying is that difficulty is relative.

Why is this more challenging? The same rated players can be found in random where they bring consumables which makes it even harder.

Then they group together in Sync’d communities and stomp pugs.

The “exploit” is to all queue in the same time and hoping you’re put in same battleground. How do you propose they prevent players from hitting a button at the same time?

It’s not.

The reality is there is difficult content and there is easy content. Just because someone is bad at the game and struggles with easy content doesn’t make it hard content.

You honestly think top tier players play at 100% in random BGs?

It doesn’t take a full team to stomp pugs.

Been in 3 man teams with my threes team and annihilated people in WSG.

The majority of the playerbase in BGs are either bots or awful at the game.

Cross-Faction BG’s. Now premade pop at the same time, and they face each other. Since they can’t control on which team they spawn.

I don’t think cross faction queue is gonna happen anytime soon, but it is an elegant solution.

On what grounds? Should these people be expected to dig for this 12 year old engadget article and then make assumptions that it means they should be banned, or do you just think your take on whether or not this is an ‘exploit’ is the end all be all?

It’s a rough when your peak in WoW in random epic BGs that you suggest all these things that aren’t going to happen.

I think it is a partial solution, and right now the least likely thing they could do.

They really need something to watch for the issue and catch people in my opinion as they are exploiters (no matter what pedantic dancing the peanut gallery puts forth). The best solution given what these people are doing is to catch them and punish them in my opinion.

That said there are plenty of tweaks that should be added to BGs anyway to have more balanced games so hopefully some of those will be included. I think matched groups is a great way to go, but would likely slow queuing for groups…but it would also likely have less 5 mans per run which I think would be a good thing as well.

RBGs really should be more random and less coordinated given we have a coordinated game mode already.

It’s a balance though. I wonder what the metric look like when you compare solid games that were competitive to blow outs vs a slower queue system. Maybe on net it might be closer than we think. Hard to say without the internal data.

Blizzard really just needs to start talking about it. That is at the extreme root of the issue here. Start discussing the problems openly with the community again.