Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I always explain how its work but they keep saying it, cant be helped
I’ve been in a premade comunity before, its so silly, its just farming randoms for faster level honor and achievments, they need to get ride of that, place different groups in different instances, so they cannot exceed the limit of 5 people, blizzard just dont bother, they ask ‘‘did it affect m+ and raid’’? if the answer is no they just ignore it

Which none of that applies.

This isn’t a new complaint. If it was an actual issue Blizz would have addressed it by now.

It’s been over ten years. Let it go.

Is the BG not intended for 40 people? You’d have a case if they were using a bug to get 40 people in a WSG against 10 people but 40 versus 40 isn’t an exploit.

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An excuse people use for losing.


Can you queue as a raid into random bgs? No, so by going around that and getting a raid in anyways you are exploiting.

How does it not apply? You are exploiting the queue system to get a larger then intended group in.


You can’t Que into anything as a raid with the one exception that is LFR due to coding.

It’s not an exploit.

Since you ignored it.


You’re just mad the other team are organized and working together.

ah, that’s what I figured, it’s probably the same people complaining about ganking. there seems to be a war against PvP this last week (no pun).

It’s just the same people trolling on different characters.

Hence why they refuse to refute the 40 v 40 point.

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So getting a raid into something you shouldn’t be able to get a raid into isn’t an exploit? wild lol

Yikes buddy lol

There is nothing to refute. I never denied it was 40 vs 40 lol but it’s supposed to be randoms not a premade stacked raid.


well, in this case I must say, I saw it happening, it wasn’t intentional, but it happens, if they see another premade, they all just dip and tell the other groups to decline the BG queue, so their ‘‘supposed group’’ starts late, with about 10~20 players against a full coordinated group on the other side… and by the time the system fills in the ‘‘new blood’’ for their group, they have already wiped and are being trampled over


It has to do with coding and how BGs work most likely.

No it’s not an exploit because they aren’t actually exploiting something.

I suggest learning what exploit actually means.

Sorry you don’t like facts?

Where does it say that? Because that’s you assuming at best and just being flat out wrong.

Ya but i am the bad guy for wanting fair fun combat lol


you mean the thing that has literally happened since BG’s were introduced in the game? the thing they have tried to break repeatedly and a way is always found around it?

Can you queue as a raid into random pvp?

What facts exactly?

how am i wrong?

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Yo OP. Peeps just be playin’ with other peeps. Get your own peeps and put dem in check aight?

Risks of random BGs. I suggest trying rated BGs if you don’t want that issue.

They aren’t abusing any kind of exploit no matter how unfair you think it is.

For repeatedly insisting that not an exploit is an exploit, especially when that has been explicitly stated by Blizzard at this point.

Because it isn’t an exploit to queue together as another premade group. You do that with a lot of premade groups and it still isn’t an exploit.

The ability to speak cannot and will not be an exploit. No matter how much you try to insist that it is.


Correct. Because it isn’t an exploit.


No, because people will defend this behavior to the grave and call you a friendless loser if you don’t too


Ya just look above lol

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The literal exploit that they are talking about is “the ability to speak” … so, no.
There’s quite literally nothing to ban, because having the ability to speak isn’t ever going to be an exploit.


Nope answer the questing bud.

So can you queue into random pvp with a raid?

Lol this argument has been disproven over and over lol just stop

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