Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Yea, it makes no sense. Have had it happen on isle multiple times. Premade tries to join, they don’t get everyone in or they didn’t want isle and then they drop. Very frustrating to know you basically have to afk for the next 15-20 minutes while the other team slowly wins or just leave and lose on all the other queues you have been sitting in.

For now. They’ve changed their mind following feedback. This thread is feedback. Thank you for your participation.

You don’t know that, I think raiders are the one that will complain because they will have to fill their Vault like good little meta-slaves.

I’m patient. I advocated for Solo content in the past, I had lots of push back and here we are today Delves are a pillar of end-game.

That is the thing and it isn’t fun being on a full 40 man team and the other side starts with 20.

it is like a handicap that should NOT exist because PVP is about starting off fair when the timer hits 0. After that time anything goes but the start has to be fair.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They are heavy tactics, the deserter for dropping queue would start at like 1 minute and go up to 15 for each subsequent queue drop. Eventually reset back to 1 minute.

For dungeons and LFR that would be intense, I think the deserter is 30 minutes for those, but I call it incentive, not punishment :stuck_out_tongue: .

Obviously I had other Ideas to complement these punishment… I mean incentives… Add more daily/weekly quests for example.

There isn’t enough feedback complaining to warrant changing that considering how much of a minority the forums are.

Maybe bad raiders.

Why would I worry about filling delves out to get hero track when I’m getting mythic track from mplus?

Raiders aren’t the ones that complained in torghast. It was again the solo players complaining it was too hard.

Delves are torghast 2.0. Will be nothing but complaints again :joy:

I mean, people complained about Torghast because it was an endless required grind. When it got adjusted it was fine.

This is a pve game. I doubt it’s even on the radar.

There is quite a lot. In the BG forum mostly and Beta forum even.

Well if you want to go the incentive route, blizz should probably start with awarding the boxes for winning, to the losing team. Then just up the contents of the box for the winning team.

There’s really no point in remaining in a failed BG currently. The minimal amount of honor certainly isn’t worth it. At least with a mark of honor I can buy some nice mogs. Give people a reason to remain in a failed BG.

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Yea, if you start with even 5 people down, it’s basically a loss, especially on isle. I already hate that map enough as is, but starting off a bunch of players down really adds the frustration.

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True, currently players would stay if they’re working on one of the weekly quests or maybe the seasonal quests. Then nothing. They should have daily quests and weekly quests. All the BG specific quests should also reset weekly. Quests and Rewards(Gold/Cosmetics/Consumables).

They could add reputation quests where the Renown faction provide a couple PVP quests in exchange of renown. It could expand beyond BG’s and give a sense of integration with the current expansion.

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And those require wins to complete. They really should just require completion of a match. Not a win.

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The weekly Epic BG quest is to Earn Honor, so even losing is good. I would like to see more objective based quests like capture a flag or a GY or a Tower or Defend. Like any of these would give you quest credit. “Complete a battleground objective”

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Even if the entire bg forum was complaining it’s still a minority of the playerbase.

Activity Metrics is what matters. Blizzard reads the forum. I guarantee you 100% something will be done about this, just not right now. I rather throw my ideas in the ring now than wait before Blizzard decide by themselves.

You don’t have to like my ideas, eitherway they don’t affect you. You can stay AFK in BG’s and not get penalized, then collect your quest reward and never queue again until the next quest.

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I can agree with that, as well.

Yes. You guys complaining are a MiNORITY

No they don’t.

Your ideas are terrible.

They do affect me.

You can continue being clueless and say I don’t participate. You just look out of touch when you do that.

I also think a 1 a day queue drop for free is a good idea. Things happen and I don’t think 1 would effect this. It probably takes a few to get things going for them to get in there anyway, but it is something.

That way people who miss a queue or are in a quest don’t feel like it is something super horrible. Other than that I think it is a really good idea. Should I bring over the list from the other thread haha.

Amazed this thing is still going and you have the staying power with some of these folks.

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Oh that brings up an interesting idea…greater incentives for more even games maybe. If it’s a close match and both sides have similar kills you get more rewards?

Interesting but I bet it would open up a whole can of other unintended ways to manipulate the game. Still a very interesting idea.

Anyway, I don’t think the win is the main issue. It’s the honor farming that I think they go for a lot of the time. A steamroll win is not nearly as annoying as a murder fest that they take longer to finish on purpose. Maybe some sort of repeat kill diminished returns would be good. Like if the game is super lopsided you stop getting honor at some point.

BlizZard could do it but they are concerned about botters.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: