Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Winners find ways to win. Losers cry on the forums.

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The people that dislike arena is generally because they aren’t good at the game.

You mean playing strategically and not taking excessive damage?

Thanks for confirming you lack the ability to use strategy.

Not gonna happen in randoms

Lol no

This isn’t rated pvp.

Stop taking random BGs so seriously. Though I guess it’s understandable when that’s all you have.

Yet you’re complaining about something

You don’t know that.

Big yes.

Doesn’t have to be. The mechanism is good.

I take my fun seriously.

I don’t complain because I lose. I complain because the system is broken.

Taking a look at your responses it’s obvious, but since you need it broken down.

  • The most obvious reason… communities were added in 2018. While some of these communities existed prior, their ease of access and ease to promote exploded. Now players are regularly spamming for players to join. This has also allowed players across realms to more easily find like minded people.
  • The addition of brawls, blitz, etc. has taken a lot of players that used to do regular bgs out of the queue and has resulted in longer queue times. Queuing with a large groups can speed up queue times overall, especially when you have 30-40+ people all joining at the same time.
  • Weekly BG quests have added additional incentive for players that already were doing bgs and gave players more reason to want access to easy wins.

There are more reasons beyond that, but those are the bigger items. The reality is, the game has changed.

Good post.

I think the inability to blacklist certain BGs also adds to this.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

What’s obvious? At bare minimum if you’re going to accuse me of being disingenuous, you can quote it.

There are plenty of things you can quote out of context, even, like my spat with OP over their use of the term “bottom feeder” to belittle someone.

Sure. This is a good starting point, especially since a feature like this needs time to flourish and make its ripple effects across the game’s ecosystem. It makes sense that this would contribute to the issue, so I’ll give you that.

This also makes sense, so I will concede on this as well.

However, it can simultaneously be because people want to do BGs and because they don’t. I don’t see how this is going to significantly increase the volume of this happening, particularly for people who want to do the PvP.

As OP has said, BGs are a lot of peoples’ jumping off point for PvP. It was for me, too, even though I don’t play it as much.

I just can’t help but feel like you want me to be disingenuous because you dislike that I don’t have the same problem with raid groups that you do.

So you’ve conveniently ignored the multiple times I said that in a perfect world, they make a queue specifically for it, so that banning people who organize in any unrated queue not designed for the raid group v raid group format can be punished with impunity, as there would no longer be a grey area of “are they trying to pug stomp, or are they trying to play with a guild of friends.”

But we don’t live in a world where Blizzard is doing this, any opinion I form has to be based in reality, and my opinion is that this is fine.

Queue syncing has zero to do with “the ability to speak”. Feel free to speak all you want with your friends who aren’t trying to queue a full raid into a 40 man bg, and abandoning the randoms who got in there if there’s an enemy premade.

Back during BfA when I did Legion capped PvP (there were twinks in our community, but I was Legion capped), we would queue up multiple 5 man teams as they formed, never intending to sync queues. But it was not unusual to find multiple parties from my community in the same bg. I am not convinced that this wasn’t happening intentionally.

It’s too bad Blizzard has decided you are so valuable to them that the pleasure you take driving randoms from PvP forever is worth it. It’s clear PvP participation has been going downhill since Legion, as Blizzard continues to design it around incentivizing geared players to queue in large groups. No doubt you’ll whine and cry when you have succeeded in killing it off completely and blame the players who refused to lay down and be your victims.

Ad hominem.

What folks are trying to ban with all of this is literally just the ability to speak and communicate with other players to organize so folks can play with each other. That is what this is about.

I don’t do epic BGs. Not because of “oh my god! Premades! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Runs off to the hills to hide and cover in fear”, but rather because of the toxicity repeatedly on display by folks like the OP of this thread and oh so many others who repeatedly berate and harass people.

I like PvP, not whining flamers. That’s the takeaway from where I stand on this. So no, randomly calling it an exploit doesn’t make it one.

Merc mode is already a thing. They aren’t letting faction cohabitation in any qued content.

Nope. You’re out of touchif you think they will add rated rules to random BGs.

Rated is what’s balanced around. They aren’t going to balance around random BGs let alone random epic BGs

They are never going to prioritize randoms over rated.

If you want the fair play and even teams then you need to go to rated. We both know that won’t happen because of accountability.

It’s because your first response is not about the issue at hand. You don’t seem to care that people are actively exploiting the game, you care more about a little bit of language. . If you were being sincere, you could at the very least acknowledge the abusive practices being made by the players exploiting the game and then contend that the OP could do better in how they are highlighting the issue.

Beyond that, like some of the other insincere posters here, you don’t seem to think this is an exploit.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way

It’s clearly unfair and selfish as well. That’s the entire point in my opinion. They want the unfair advantage to camp the other team. That is how they derive their fun. This isn’t anything unique or complicated by any means. Plenty of players enjoy griefing others.

I haven’t, but I have no reason to address any caveat you made considering your first responses are not acknowledgment of the issue.

This looks disingenuous as well. Who is asking for bans? I see the people defending the practice mentioning the word. Who is saying it’s about banning anyone or anything? If anything, I see the opposite. The people asking for change arguing they don’t want bans.

People are looking for solutions to prevent players from queue syncing. All I see is a lot of strawmans being constructed.

The solution isn’t about punishment so much. The punishment should be people who are consistently dropping queues and leaving in progress battlegrounds because they weren’t able to join with the rest of their premade. The problem would be dealt with over night.

So you think new and undergeared players getting stomped in bgs and then farmed in the GY is fine? Do you think those players will continue to play this game? Obviously not.

Incredibly disingenuous.

What a massive lie.

Either you don’t understand AT ALL what’s happening or you’re just flat out trolling. I’m not sure which.

This has NOTHING to do with banning communication. First, the only people talking about banning anything are the ones defending this garbage.

There are two issues.

  • Unfairly stacking bgs to gain an obvious massive advantage over pugs.
  • Mass leaving matches where the entire group doesn’t get in. This happens way to often and results in one team starting a match with half or less players.

The solution isn’t BANNING communication like your clown responses are suggesting. The solution is addressing how the queue system works and how players are exploiting it.

Kettle meet pot.

So because my first post was progressive with the discussion at hand (aforementioned ad hominem) all of the discussion I made in earnest is invalidated? To opt into that willfully is more disingenuous than for me to have engaged in the ad hominem.

The OP was, and has. I really don’t feel like quoting it all again, but I’ll do so and then you can go on your ignorant crusade without further response from me.

Lately Blizzard has been changing and taking care of casual aspects. Never say never.

People fought tooth and nail against solo progression content and here we are with Delves now. People said it would NEVER happen.

Thing will change as long as we keep bringing it up. It changed for Multiboxing it will change for Epic BG’s.

With multiboxers it was pretty easy for blizz to detect what was going on and implement restrictions. Not to mention it was easy for others to detect a multiboxer and report them.

The same simply cannot be said for premades. There’s literally no way for blizz to detect premades queuing raids into BGs. They could try limiting the features of in-game comms. But none of that would have any impact on Discord premades (which 99% of premades are a part of).

The only thing I could think of that might work is implementing CDs on queue droppers. Basically a deserter debuff without even entering the BG if you don’t accept the first pop you get. And even that won’t be a guaranteed solution. All it would do is have more chance of fragmenting/delaying a premade. It wouldn’t stop them.

That’s right, you support this behavior but claim it doesn’t describe your own behavior.

LOL. You fully support your kind of toxicity, but criticism by anyone else on the forum has convinced you to give up bgs, which you claim to love.

LOL. This makes even less sense than your previous statements. “I don’t play this content, I just come to the forum to complain about people who think it has design faults that can be improved on.” Hmm… Is that you, Ion?

In any case, any business that encourages a small number of customers to drive away a large number of paying customers has made a bad business decision.

It is different, but the idea is not to go after the premaders, but to go after the Queue system and revamp it a little.

Expected response.

Either the topic at hand has value or it doesn’t. You chose to find issue with the OP rather than addressing the problem they were highlighting. it’s made clear what is and isn’t important to you. Players exploiting others or some very benign name calling. I’ll assume you’re in the camp and that’s why you took offense.

So let me add to what to the OP said.

These players are the lowest of the low. They actively ruin the game and ruin the experience of other players for their enjoyment. It destroys the game, literally. We lose players for this and yet we have people actively defending it.

That so many people responding here can’t even be honest about that says a lot. Not that I expect every interaction in this game to be a positive one, as there will always be winners and losers, but all of that exists within a framework that AT THE VERY LEAST intends to be fair for both parties. When players clearly circumvent that, it’s bad for the game.

These players are the IRL bullies that take pleasure in destroying the gaming experience for other players. It’s griefing.

It would do a lot. These players are dropping queues all the time. Far more than just just average player just looking todo a random.

Yes it is a multiple stop process.

Bringing back black listing an changing dynamic rewards for different modes ensures that no one mode is swarmed by the communities.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

That has zero to do with casual aspects. They have already said they aren’t allowing qued content to be cross faction.

Delves are literally torghast 2.0.

It will be another whine fest from solo players that aren’t as good as they think they are complaining about the gear rewards and the content being too difficult.

Don’t hold your breath.

Yes, essentially all that blizz could do is heavily punish anyone who doesn’t accept the first pop they get/leavers and implement punishments across the entire account to prevent alt swapping.

It would be a bit heavy handed and certainly wouldn’t stop premades as effectively as they reduced multiboxers, but it might work at least somewhat.

But honestly, we’re getting into some pretty heavy handed tactics now. You could make similar arguments to punish m+ leavers too. Hell, you could roll out similar punishments to LFR leavers as well. It would help stop people getting backfilled into non-fresh wings.

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BlizZard should go back to ending games if not enough players are in the instance because starting out 20 vs 40 isn’t fair to either side that wants a fair matchup.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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