Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I wish solo wasn’t in the game but here we are.

The last time I really enjoyed PvP was 10.0.5 before the ret rework. Ever since then, I get 1800 and call it a season. I’m currently spamming bgs to get honor level 500 before I probably quit pvp for good lol

Solo is one of the best things tbh


Someone playing solo is completely different with how bad PvP is and how many people it affects.

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The game used to allow raid groups to join bgs. They removed that. If they wanted groups of 6+ joining BGs, then they would have no reason to make that change.

This should be the end of the conversation.

A lot. I can’t tell if you’re must trolling them or are just incredibly insincere.

Is it difficult to accept that something that was happening in the past was a problem, but is now? Are you really struggling with that?

It’s an exploit. Here is the definition of exploit.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

The entire point of a premade is to have an unfair advantage. That’s it. This isn’t complicated.

I would disagree. It killed the regular ladder which is what I prefer.

SS is one of their best “things” they have implemented into the game, imo. Especially with how the player base seems to have dropped off the last few years.

I said this once.

I’ll be all over rated Blitz, but still there’s no alternative to Epic BG’s. They’re not the same.

It’s the only data we have for Epic BG experience. It can show how their opinion is invalid because they don’t play the content. It’s like me trying to tell you whats wrong with Mythic Raiding.(Lockout is bad and needs to be like Heroic and raid size need to be Flex).

Exactly why their Epic BG Experience is irrelevant. Who cares about what happened in Epic 10 years ago?

I don’t have to try, your experience and engagement with the content speaks for itself.

The frequency is new, it’s also amplified by how many players are quitting Epic BG’s because of said premades. Now all there will be left are premades fighting each other in 50 minute queues because no pugs wants to deal with them.

Is it Bots or is it Premades? You can’t even stay consistent.

I’m a try-hard, premade or not, I’m always there to give my best in BG’s because I think that is fun. I’m having a lot of fun in Epic BG’s. The only problem is created by Premade who make BG’s a really chaotic environment with backfill and empty games and Flawless(Effortless/boring) Victories.

How is it hard to understand? Oh right I know, you don’t know because you don’t play Epics enough to know when it’s happening to you.

Do you have an idea for a better solution?

Premadess don’t bother me if it happens once in a while.

The problem is the new way premades form up ends up disrupting two games. The game they did not queue into which makes it short on players and the other game where they did synch queue into.

Normally BlizZard doesn’t care about premades in random BGs and random epics but when it starts to disrupts 2-3 instances that starts to be a problem.

An analogy that is pretty easy to follow is raids in world PVP. World PVP raids is fine but if it starts to disrupt the entire server or starts to cause crashes BlizZard steps in.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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And it will be just as bad as rated BGs and super easy to get carried.

The difference is I have experience in both and you have random bg experience.

I have experience with the content. The fact you’re trying to discredit me is because you have no argument. That speaks for itself.

You do realize it can be both right?

Lots of people premade because of bots.

I play epics enough to have a clue. Keep coping and making excuses for why you’re losing.

Remove solo quing for rated content.

Stop rewarding anti social people ina group based game.

Bilzz, I do not think Thay know how to fix it?

I think most ppl become anti social bc so many ppl suck so much. That is the case for me anyway

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I’ve seen enough Arena to know that’s not enjoyable. 1600 in 2’s for yolo. 1800 in solo shuffle for the transmog. Doing arena is like walking through a rose bush. It’s annoying, everyone is playing hide and seek and running around pillars waiting for their cooldown. Not enough zug zug. RBG’s also 1800 but I know you don’t consider that PVP.

I have no incentive besides the 1800 elite mog, everything else is too try-hard and I don’t want to play the game like it’s my career. I’ll back pedal my way to 1800 anytime without shame.

But that doesn’t mean anything in the current context. I’ve provided more than enough arguments on why Premades are detrimental without any fixes to the Q.

The fixes are simple,

Enable Cross-Faction
Account-Wide deserter
Remove Leave Queue button and give deserter when not entering

This will enable each BG to be played fully, have a fair distribution of premade(5 man) group on each team and disincentivize leaving the group and taking the loss instead.

It’s better to have someone stay in the BG than to throw a completly new player into in-progress Battle where they waited 5-6 minutes to get thrown in a loss because someone decided to /afk and go fishing for another BG instance.

That other BG instance should be for a Fresh Instance with fresh players.

It will reduce Backfill rotation, empty rosters and premade imbalance.

I don’t lose, I’m the best.

They can fix it with staggered and delayed queues so there can not be timing.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

The main issue with this is they wait to confirm they had a pop, then drop.
It risks creating more drops. I know my approach to deserter for drops and remove “Leave Queue” is drastic but the idea is to disincentivize the behavior and promote intentional battleground queueing, where your intention is to actually enter the battle and play the game.

Side note, I have hit the Leave queue button after waiting 10-15minutes by accident so many times.

True but if they make it random then it is harder to time or spin up the same instance at the same time.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

I agree on making it harder. Like they try to sync in Blitz, but it’s harder because Blitz is cross-faction and has rating. So they will often be put against each other, or complete different instance.

It’s important that the fix is a combination of solutions. Not just add one thing and hope it fix it all. The main being Cross-Faction would have the biggest impact.

“A lot”

Refuses to elaborate.

But sure, I’m the one being insincere.