Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Last weekend.

You must’ve faced or played with a couple premades then, weekend they run any time, morning, afternoon.

Were the fight even or complete obliteration?

Were the teams full?

Was there a constant stream of backfill because of mass AFK?

I’ll say this again. I don’t play with any of the premades. As in I don’t group with the. I solo Que.

Some were close. Some weren’t. That’s just how BGs go.


Nope. Only thing that was mass was people ignoring back capping.

The original oqueue was considered an exploit by BlizZard and they made sure to break it and put in their own version.

So this is going to happen again as history repeats itself.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

That doesn’t prevent you from being in the same BG as them. There you can witness the issue.

I don’t know if you played on Snozex, but that character has a low amount of epic BG participation.

I practically live in Epic BG’s so we don’t have the same experience.

You should play 9pm-12am EST, for a couple hours, every day, if you want to see what it’s like.

I sense that you don’t have enough experience in this topic given your lack of participation in the bracket, so you don’t realize how omnipresent the premades are.


Hang-up your M+ and Mythic raiding gloves for a week, tell your guild you have an important investigation to run in Epic BG. They will understand.

Arena =/= BG experience.

It is super different yo.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Didn’t say it did.

There wasn’t any issues I witnessed. Random BGs are never ever going to be 50/50.

I have every class minus DH and paladin at 70.

I have two of some classes. No I wasn’t on my pve warlock doing epics. Tbh is is how I know you don’t really have an argument.

You should look at my title that I run on every character and then google what it’s from.

There is nothing to see I haven’t already seen. You’re acting like premades are a new thing Abe as someone that has been on both sides of premades it’s not an issue unless your ego is so fragile you can’t handle losing a random epic bg

You should probably use check pvp and realize I play more than one class that’s my forum avatar.

They care nothing for pvp. So they are not going to pay attention to it, It is in the game for the sake of saying yes we have pvp in game but that is it.

They should be close to 50/50, players with win-rate of 95% should not happen in Epics when they’re Random. The only way to achieve this is by premading every game and afk out on losses.

I never said you are part of the premades. Not sure why you brought the Solo Q up.

I checked a couple of your alts and they still don’t add up to a lot.

Look at my numbers (I started this character in 2023)

Ashran 270 166 61%
Isle of Conquest 255 149 58%
Battle for Wintergrasp 248 140 56%
Alterac Valley 242 150 61%

My one hunter has almost more than your combined account in 1.5 years.

And I have 36 70’s that I run in Epic BGs with, so I’m not even counting the alts in the numbers there.

My point is you haven’t experienced enough Epic BG’s in the current state to have any sort of opinion.

No, what we’re saying is they are 10x more present now than they ever were. Again showing you don’t know what you’re talking about.

lol ok

As a BG enjoyer, I couldn’t care less about your Arena tournament 2013 title. Like really means nothing to me, I still consider you a newbie at epic BGs.

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As a long time pvper, I dont care if people make premades.
Queue rated, blitz, or arenas if you want to avoid them.

Yuck mentality.

What about new ppl trying to learn? It’s an awful experience currently in randoms.

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How the cookie crumbles sometimes. Queue it up again.

No they shouldn’t. If you want fair and even BGs go do rated. That’s why rated is there.

Ok? Who cares? What does someone else’s win rate change anything?

You checked a couple. My old main pvp toons are not even leveled at the moment.

I do find it funny you’re trying so hard to discredit my opinion because you can’t actually refute my points

They have always been around. You’re acting like the frequency is new.

The reality is you’re sweating random epics and are tilted you’re losing.

Likewise. I don’t care about your opinion either because you don’t have any arguments and are literally sweating random BGs as a hunter.

Farming bots doesn’t make you good my guy.

Do you honestly think people are going to learn anything fighting in roads? Against bots And sweaty try hard?

Lmfao. And if it’s a repeat for several of them? Then what?

Like I said before, I hope ppl are happy who regularly PvP. It’s a bad experience and no one in their right mind would want to even try to learn with how randoms are at this point.

Enjoy seeing the same ppl over and over, yawn. And yes it can be that way in higher latters but this is randoms

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Like the same complaint you guys keep making about the same premades “over
And over” again

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I have not seen a single new person in wow pvp this entire expansion. I’ve seen lots in keys/raid though who have been enjoying themselves.

Idk how someone who loves PvP wouldn’t want it to grow and more people be introduced to it.

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Never once did I say I loved PvP, I just do it.

Well, I used to love it and I wish it was better.