Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Oh, so you do know that the game does not allow players to queue for random bgs in a raid group?

Rated battlegrounds allows it.

War games allows it.

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Thus I’ve heard, this is the first time, and I don’t know why they’d have a rated BG raid queue but not one for unrated.

I guess that doesn’t tell me everything I need to know, though, because that doesn’t slot neatly into your narrative like everything you’ve cherry picked does.

You’d think it’d be easier for people to blame Blizzard for things Blizzard is responsible for, but it is kinda wild the lengths people will go to in demanding other players be punished for Blizzard’s mistakes.

Also, War Games are not queued content.

I don’t understand why you think it’s bad for punishing people for abusing an exploit especially when it has a negative effect on other players. I know you don’t think it’s exploiting but still they are ruining the game for others and that’s not ok.

Premades should only face premades… this has been an issue since vanilla.

Blizzard will never do anything about it due to not having a spine. It’s kinda just accepted at this point.

So I’ll put this here for new possible readers and posters who don’t want to slog through the whole 400+ posts and are unsure of what the issue is.

Epic Battlegrounds are 40 vs 40, you can join into these BGs with a group of 5 other players at maximum and no more, groups of any other size or raid groups especially are not permitted and are restricted from being able to que into said BGs. A premade is where a cohort of players, all grouped separately and average around in the 30-35 number I’d say, use discord normally to time and coordinate their ques in an attempt to circumvent the grouping restrictions placed on Epic Battlegrounds in order to ensure those players all join the same match, thus giving them what can be described as unfair advantage over the opposing team with the heavy coordination they have and it just leads to the other team really not having any fun.

It also removes a part of the random aspect as well, given that Epic Battlegrounds are meant be matches of two teams of 40 random players facing off against one another in a random epic battleground.

Long explanation shorten down. Premades circumvent an ingame grouping restriction to ensure they have a tatical and group advantage over the opposing team to win games quicker or delay matches.

I’m gonna withhold on commenting on if it’s an exploit or not, I’m just simply stating, to the best of my ability, what it is a premade does or tries to do.


Premade raids also get to pick their team’s comp. They can stack healers, meta specs, geared players, experienced players, etc.


Another big problem is that every time a premade raid mass drops queue pops during their attempts to circumvent the system, yet another epic bg starts with one team half-empty. It takes a couple of minutes to find replacements for all those empty spots. These games are ruined too.


Premade exploit what ?? I don’t think it means what you think it means

First we need cross-faction BG, so if a 10man sync into reg BG, theres a high chance that each party will be put in a different team. Making the game premade vs premade and creating a fairer environment.

Same for Epic, if theres 8 party, they would be put in opposite team.

Secondly we need account-wide deserter, so losers can’t AFK every first fight loss to go fishing for a win on an alt. It creates a huge backfill problem and players get put in guaranteed loss against because their team is always outnumbered and constantly being backfilled.

Thirdlistly, remove the leave queue button from BG pop and apply a short deserter that gradually increase in duration, starting really low, when you miss the queue.

Fourthmenly, Give more incentives to players to join unrated PVP.

From my experience, I used to see these epic bg premades once or twice a week.

Now it’s everyday during prime time and weekends for hours, back to back BGs.

Population drop?
Classic WoW pvp migration?
More people feel safe premading meta?
No consequences?


The problem with coordinating a cool down is that if the group doesn’t accept the queue what happens is that one side is short on players before a match starts.

A lot has been discussed about the impact of full 40 man premades and how it alters the outcomes. But the worse side effect of coordinating the countdown is that when they don’t accept the queue it causes a huge problem for those already in the instance and they are short of their team by over 50%.

BlizZard will do something and they will do a staggered queue check to counter this exploit.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Your thread is pathetic. You created it just to whine about getting smashed by well coordinated groups. Grow the frick up.

Ok but who cares baby?

I don’t. But when people complain about others breaking tos while also breaking tos it’s kinda funny.

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I get that 100%

I was missing context bc you do not seem like you would give a duck from observing how you write here lmfao

I should bookmark this, it’s the link I was looking for yesterday.

You’re good. The only time I’ll generally report something is if my family is mentioned or it’s something extremely inappropriate. Other then that I don’t report people.

Probably helps that I don’t ever get mad over the forums either. This is my killing time at work thing.

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I mean it doesn’t say anything about it being an exploit or cheating. Just that premades have an advantage that no one is really disputing.

I get it, you’re stuck on the word “Exploit”. The fact of the matter is that players have had enough and want their content fixed. So we come to the forums and make demands.

Certain words have more weight to them when you’re trying to draw a picture of how dire a situation has become.

Exploit, borderline-Exploit, Exploit-Adjacent… IDC… Get it OUT!

Actually the people that have been making the threads have been using those words incorrectly.

And yes a small small minority of people have come and made complaints. Doesn’t mean they are valid.

The situation isn’t dire. People are just being sore losers.

It’s not going anywhere. I suggest learning to deal with it.

When’s the last time you queued for epic bg’s?